Chapter 49

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Alison's POV

"Before we start I just wanna say," he got his knee. "Alison will you be my best friend." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah I'll be your best friend. We will always be best friends." He smiled, "Yeah best friends with benefits." Nash said. We gave him a look. "It's true." I laughed and we started.

"Ok let's start the video now." Nash said. I nodded, "Ok first question is for Jessica and Hayes." "What is one thing you love and one thing you hate about each other?" Cam read off his phone. "Well, I love how, if I am ever upset, she can make me smile and laugh." Jessica blushed. "I love how you are always their for me. If I ever need something, your their. Every single time." Jessica said, while smiling.

"I hate how your so attractive that other boys look at you. Because your mine and I don't want to share." Jessica looked at him. "I don't even pay attention to those boys because I only see you and I only want you." "I hate how you pay attention to how boys look at me. Because I don't even notice that." Hayes nodded and they kissed.

"Aww my little brother is in love." Nash said hugging him. We laughed. "Eww Nash get off of me." "Rude." He sat on Valerie. "Babe your squishing me." He laughed and picked Valerie up and put her on his lap.

"Ok next question is for Alison and Cameron." Nash said. "What is the cutest moment you guys have ever had?" I looked at Cameron and smiled. "Alison you first." Valerie said. "That hard we have had a million cute moments. But my favorite cute moment was our first kiss."

"Give us details girl." Nash said in a girly voice causing all of us to laugh. "Ok, so Cameron was taking me skateboarding and we were at the park. I slipped off my board and he caught me. We were staring right into each other's eyes smiling, I thanked him for catching me and he told me anytime. Then we both leaned in and kissed. It was the perfect kiss."

"Aww, girl that is so cute." Nash said. "Ok your turn Cam." I told him, he nodded. "Ok to me the cutest moment we have had was the first day you came to my house. My mom told me to do the dishes and you helped me. But we started playing around and we're playing around with the bubbles. I was carrying you around and putting bubbles on you and you would put them on me too. That was the moment were I new I had a crush on you."

I smiled, "Aww, I remember that day perfectly." "Ok next question is for Nash and Valerie." Hayes said. "Ok, how did Nash ask you out?" Valerie smiled. "That was the best day of my life." Nash kissed Valerie and cut her off. He pulled back, "I wanna tell the story." "Oh well that was a nice way to tell me to shut up." he nodded and kissed her check.

"Ok so it was Valerie's birthday, which is Valentines Day. I was gonna hang out with her, because she just wanted to hang out with me. That's all she wanted for her birthday and I gave her that plus more. So I knocked on her door to pick her up. She was wearing a black skirt with a white t shirt. She had her hair curled and she was wearing black high chucks. She looked so cute, so we got in my car and I drove her to her favorite restaurant. We ate their and when we finished eating it was already 7, so I took her to the beach. We walked along the beach and she was so happy. You could tell by the smile she had on her face. She started walking and I had someone wrote will you be my girlfriend? In the sand by the waves. We were holding hands and I walked her by that part of the sand. She looked at it and smiled. She nodded and I lifted her and spun her around."

"Aww that was a really cute way to ask her out. I remember when Cameron asked me out." Valerie nodded. "Yeah that was the best birthday ever." Nash smiled and put his arm around her. Cameron handed me the phone, "Ok what's everyone's ship name?" I asked.

"Me and Jessica are Jayes or Hessica." "Me and Valerie are Vash or Nalerie." They smiled. "Me and Alison are Calison or Ameron but that was when we were dating so." I nodded. I handed the phone to Valerie and she took it. "Okay, what is the best day you guys have ever had together, and this questions is for Hayes and Jessica."

"Okay, for me it's when Kylie brought Jessica over. They were talking and I came up to them and got to know Jessica. We went swimming too and we played around. It was a great day." Hayes said to Jessica.

"And it was great." Cameron said in a funny voice. We all laughed. "Okay for me it's when Hayes asked me out with the cupcake. Because that was the day I become his and he became mine." She smiled and looked at Hayes.

Valerie handed the phone to Jessica. "Okay last question is for Valerie and Nash. How do you guys see your future together?" She read off of cams phone. Valerie smiled. "I see me and Nash living in a nice two story house, with a daughter. I can imagine him playing with his little princess." Nash smiled and put his arm around her.

"I see use married, living together and having a son and daughter." Valerie smiled and they kissed each other on the checks. "Okay guys, that's it for this video I hope you guys like it. Comment down below things you have done with your boyfriend or girlfriend. And make sure to subscribe." Cam said into the camera.

"Yeah subscribe to their channels too. Nash and Hayes, subscribe to them to and follow us on all our social medias." We all smiled and waved to the camera and Cameron stopped the video. "Well that was fun."

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