Chapter 1

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My name is Alison Brooks, I'm 16 and I live with my dad. My parents got divorced, when I was only 7, I had a brother, he died with my mom in a car accident. When my parents got divorced, my mom was gonna get my brother and me, but my dad forced her and told her that I was gonna go with him. I was terrified because my dad abuses me, he has ever since my parents were gonna get divorced. One day my mom was gonna pick me up, and take me to her house. On her way to my house she was in a car accident and her and my brother died. I was devastated because I love my mom and brother, my brother was the only one that understood me. I miss them so much.

My dad basically controls me, theirs nothing I can do. No one is their for me, some people say that or that no one loves them, well their lieing, someone does love them. Unlike me, no one cares for me, I have no family, my dad hates me and I can't do anything. I have no friends I'm just the quiet one in the back, I get bullied, but it's not that bad as my dad. We're about to be on summer break, today is my last day.

I got out of bed, and got dressed, I put some denim high waisted shorts, with a crop top that says life. I finally can show my legs and arms, because my dad hasn't hit me and my bruises have finally gone away. I put my hair up in a bun, and don't put any makeup on because I have nothing to cover. I put my chucks on and go downstairs to make myself breakfast.

I make myself some pancakes and eat them quickly, I still have thirty minutes. I decide to spend it outside. My school is only a 5 minute walk so I'm just gonna go outside and get some fresh air. I open the door and see my dads face and he looks mad.

"Where are you going? " He asks with a mad voice. I look at the ground and respond with "I'm going to school. It's the last day." "Oh so since it's the last day you think you can just leave to school, without even telling me where you are going. You are grounded, you are not going to school today, young lady. You are gonna go upstairs to your room." I nodded and before I was gonna go upstairs he grabbed my arm.

"So you can just leave without responding to me. I think you need to learn your lesson." I started crying and he threw me against the wall and punched me in the face. He kept hitting me and said "Oh do you want your mommy or your dumb brother. Well there not here, your stuck with me and theirs nothing you can do." I started crying even more and just sat on the floor.

He left the room and I looked around and grabbed my backpack. I saw that my dad dropped fifty dollars and I quickly picked it up and ran to my room. I stopped crying, because I could finally run away. I never had money, and now that I do I can finally buy a bus ticket and go to California. I was gonna have a better life, I locked my door, and dumped out my backpack. I packed the few clothes I had, my toothbrush, the little bit of makeup I have, and a blanket. My mom gave me that blanket for my birthday last year and it's the only thing I have from her. The only thing I had from my brother was one of his pictures of me and him. My dad burned it last year.

I quit thinking of him and zipped up my backpack. I opened my window and jumped out. I ran as fast as I could and arrived at the bus station about 20 minutes later I bought a ticket to California. I sat down and waited for the bus, when it came I took a seat in the middle. I looked out the window and waited for the bus to start. Once everyone was on it finally started. I kept looking outside and then fell asleep.

I woke up to someone tapping me. I couldn't really see their face but he looked about my age. "Hey, sorry to wake you, but uh the bus driver said we will arrive in 7 minutes, so to gather your stuff." I nodded and said "oh thanks for waking me." He smiled and said "Your welcome, so why are you coming to California?" He is actually talking to me I feel like I just made a friend I feel like I can trust him. "I ran away." He looked at me and he looked shocked.

"What?" I asked, before he could answer the bus stopped and we arrived. I got my bag and he did too. I walked out and he followed me. I sat down at a bench, not knowing we're to go or what to do. He sat next to me and asked "Where are you heading too?"

"I don't know, I probably will sleep on this bench till I get some money for a motel or something." He looked shocked. "Do you wanna stay at my place. It's pretty big and you can stay their as long as you want." I was shocked, but thats too big of a offer to ask someone.I looked at him and said "Thats too much to ask, I'll be fi." I was cut off by his voice.

"No it's fine," he picked up my stuff and put it in the back seat of his car. I smiled and went to his car. I never have been in a car, he opened the passenger seat for me and I got in. I was amazed of his car I couldn't stop staring and feeling the seats. He got in the drivers seat and looked at me. "What" he asked. "Your car, it's so nice, I never have been in one." His mouth dropped, "You never have been in a car?" I nodded and he was schocked.

It was about a 12 minute drive and when we arrived at his house I was shocked. "Wow, your house is huge," he laughed and opened the car door for me. I hopped out and starred at the house. Wow. What if the family doesn't like me, what if they abuse me too. The boy must of noticed me worrying and told me "Don't worry, you will be fine." I nodded and walked to his front door. I took a breath and stepped into the house.

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