6: Hashirama &his apparent Death

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*On the next Day Tobirama and Lizsa went to Hashiramas Home:*
Hashirama: So how far are you and which Gender they have?
Lizsa: Its a Boy and a Girl.
Tobirama: And she's in 3. Week. We wanted Hiro (Boy) and Nika (Girl) as Names unless you have Better ones. If i'm honest i want them to be Nika and Hiro.
Hashirama: Hm what about Joshi (Boy) and Kisha (Girl)?
Lizsa: Oh my God, these are beautiful!
Tobirama: I still choose Nika and Hiro.
Lizsa: Hmm ah! (Like getting an Idea🙇‍♀️💡)
Hashirama: You had an Idea?
Lizsa: Yep. *smiles*
Tobirama: Whats it Dear?
Lizsa: What about Hiro-Joshi- or Joshi-Hiro- Senju and Kisha-Nika- or Nika-Kisha Senju?
Tobirama: Hmm.
Hashirama: All Combinations Are good. After all its your Both Decision, i just can say my Opinion.
Lizsa: I'm with you! Tobirama What You Say? And if you want, your Names can be first.
Tobirama: Well then its Hiro-Joshi Senju and Nika-Kisha Senju.
Lizsa: Woohoo!🥳🤩🤩
*7 Months later Lizsa came back from Shopping as her water broke.*
*Tobirama ran there, saw Lizsa and picked her up and brought her to Hospital*
*Lizsa suffered the Pain of the Birth for whole 6 Hours and then Lizsa and Tobirama were in a Hospital Room while Doctors checked on the Babys*
Tobirama: Do you the Babys are Alright? Why aren't we with them?
Lizsa: Its a check if they're alright. If something happend, they would've already told us. Tobirama.....
Tobirama: Eh? Why you say my Name in that Way?
Lizsa: Its just i was pregnant once and my Boyfriend to that Time died and then yea it was the Birth Time of the Baby... Everything went bad as it could! *Crys a little* I'm sorry if i tell about my Ex or the Baby.
Tobirama: *wipes the Tears* Its understandable, don't worry..!
Lizsa: Wanna know what happend?
Tobirama: Not if it makes you sad or something.
Lizsa: The Birth went good but after it they checked on the Baby and while then it died. Luckily the Doctor who died cause he didn't check the Baby right. He checked check right. He only checked the vital of Heart and nothing else.
Tobirama: What a Jerk! If he would still live, trust me, i'd kill or at least torture him! Oh you can believe that!!!
Lizsa: Well calm down Honey, i already got over it even tho its sad.
Tobirama: You sure? And i'm sorry that that happend.
Lizsa: Yea its fine.. And thanks.
*Hiruzen Sarutobi came in*
Tobirama: Sarutobi?
Hiruzen: Sir.... It...- *exhausted and out of Breath*
Tobirama: *stands up* Whats happend Sarutobi?
Hiruzen: Lord First...- *trys to catch Breath*
Lizsa: Hashirama?
Tobirama: Whats with elder Brother.?
Hiruzen: Lord first has... fallen in Battle!
Tobirama: WHAT?!
Lizsa: Oh my God!
Hiruzen: Danzo said we should take care off his Stuff until you arrive. But i decided to ran to you as fast as Possible cause who knows when you hear about it.
Tobirama: Thanks... You can leave now.
*Hiruzen left and Tobirama hold His Hands behind his Back, looking out the Window*
Tobirama: Elder Brother...... *Tears roll down my Face and crys*
Lizsa: Tobirama... if you want, you can hug me..
Tobirama: *hugs Lizsa and crys a little still*
Lizsa: *wipes the Tears* Its ok to cry. You know i love you even if you cry.
Tobirama: I don't know what to do nor to say!
Lizsa: I'm sorry for you.
Tobirama: *sits on the Bed* I've made a Decision! Theres no double Name! Its Joshi and Kisha!
Lizsa: Oh ok.
Tobirama: This ok for you?
Lizsa: All fine Dear.
Tobirama: The last Thing i can do is honoring elder Brother like this.
Lizsa: Its ok Sweetie.❤️
*a Nurse brought in the Twins and left*
Tobirama: *Tears roll down my Face* This Time its Tears of Happiness.
Lizsa: Can you give me the Kids?
Tobirama: I shall...?
Lizsa: YES! You are the Father you Pineapple!!😂🤣
*Tobirama gave the Kids to Lizsa*
Lizsa: I'm happy for this, really! Finally having Kids with the Man of my Dreams! And yes you are the Man of my Dreams!
Tobirama: Thanks then and yes i'm happy too to have Kids with the Love of my Life! I love you!💕
Lizsa: Love you too!💝
*Lizsa and Tobirama were happy and spent a Good Rest Day with the Twins*

Words: 735

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