10: Revived Senjus?

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*5 Years later everything went good*
*in the Livingroom*
Lizsa: Tobirama, can we have a little Talk? Don't worry it's positive. I have a giant surprise for you and Hashirama!!
Tobirama: Sure but i check for the Kids first.
Lizsa: Ok Yes Sure.
*Tobirama went in their Room and then went panicly in any other Room*
Lizsa: Um Dear.?
Tobirama: *panic* No Time for Questions! I can't find the Kids!
Lizsa: What but...-
Tobirama: No Questions! *picks up Lizsa and runs to Hashiramas House*
*Mito opened the Door*
Tobirama: Have you seen Joshi or Kisha?? They ran away!
Mito: Um what and no.
Tobirama: Where's Elder Brother?
Mito: Went for a Walk. I'll help searching.
Lizsa: Thanks.
*Mito, Lizsa and Tobirama ran to a Field and saw Hashirama fighting Madara*
Tobirama: You again!
Madara: Tobirama...
Tobirama: Madara...
Hashirama: Madara, lets set this to an End!
Tobirama: Weren't you the one who always wanted to keep Peace?
Hashirama: But not in that Case! *points at The Kids sitting scared in a Corner*
Mito: Aw this is Family Love!
Lizsa: Kisha, Joshi! *runs to them*
Tobirama: *places Hand in front of Lizsa and stops her* Rather be safe.
Lizsa: TOBIRAMA THE KIDS!!! How can you just stay here and Look!?!?!?! This is our first Argument ever and its just so small like an Pea!
Tobirama: I know but please, trust me. *Passion in my Eyes*
Lizsa: Oh if something happens....
Tobirama: I know i'm dead then. *runs at Madara*
Madara: *dodges as he jumped on me*
Hashirama: *pins Madara down* Don't you dare touching any of my Family again!😡 *throws Madara away with Tobiramas Help*
Mito: I think in Things like this they are one Minded.
Lizsa: Oh yess! *goes to the Kids* Hey! *hugs them*
Tobirama: Oh i'm so glad. *hugs Lizsa and the Kids*
Mito: Hey Isn't that....
Lizsa: Ah my Surprise found us.
*Tobirama and Hashirama turned around and couldn't believe it*
Hashirama&Tobirama: Father..
Butsuma: My Sons..
Kisha: Luckily Mamas surprise worked!
*Tobirama and Hashirama just looked confused*
Lizsa: I planned reviving him for so long, but i only had enough Material for 1 Revival.
Tobirama: Why didn't you ask me? I invented that Edo Tensei Jutsu!
Lizsa: Well yea but Surprise is Surprise. I planned this a whole Year cause i gotta learn everything, soo woohoo?🥳😅
Tobirama: Brother were you involved?
Hashirama: *shakes Head* I had no Idea.
Lizsa: Well i planned and did the Jutsu but Madara came up with this, For Explaination:
Madara — taking the Kids under my Sight.
Mito — Having a Clone with Madara in case something happens. Leading us here.
Kids — Pretend to be Kidnapped.
Me — Pretend to be worried and make you and Hashirama ,,fight" Madara.
Madara (Part 2) — Pretend to be defeated.
Hashirama: *looks at Mito*
Mito: Woohoo?🥳
Hashirama: Well.. *starts smiling* glad everything went good! *hugs Father*
Butsuma: Oh my Sons i'm so glad! Where's Tobirama?
Lizsa: He's right... *looks next to me but no Tobirama there* Oh Damn..
Mito: And he took the Kids with hisself.
Lizsa: Okk i think i messed up a lil.. yea i gotta say sorry, Madara you comin' with me?
Madara: Nah, Tobirama's killing me.
Lizsa: Good Point. Especially when you're not guarded.
*Lizsa went to their Home and saw Tobirama in the Kitchen*
Lizsa: Tobi?
Tobirama: *not saying a Word with turned back to Lizsa*
Lizsa: Madara came up with the Kidnapping Thing! My Idea was to revive him and do a Party instead.
Tobirama: *still not speaking*
Lizsa: Spit out Words!😭
Tobirama: *turns around* Why did you agree to that? *little Mad in Tone*
Lizsa: He said he tells you or Hashirama when i don't accept his Idea, and i wanted to surprise you!
Tobirama: *comes closer with a neutral Face*
Lizsa: Eh? *Mind: Oh God, he not even has a Mad Face on. I'm dead!*
Tobirama: *little Louder* This is inappropriate!!!
Lizsa: I know... well i guess i sleep on the Tonight and idk how long. But first a Shower. *goes in Bathroom sad and gods in shower and showers*
Tobirama: *still at Kitchen and thinks* *Mind: I think i was a little too hard.. i mean the Kids are also related to this disgusting Madara. Well kinda somehow. Lizsa is the Only Uchiha i like, the Rest can die! She did so much for me. I should apologize..* *leaves House*
Lizsa: *finishes showering and puts on Clothes and checks for the Clothes and then goes on the Couch.*
*50 Minutes later Lizsa saw Tobirama coming in with something behind his Back*
Lizsa: Tobirama...-
Tobirama: Let me speak first.
Lizsa: ???
Tobirama: I love you by all my Heart! You and the Kids are the Sense of my Life! I would do anything for you! I will forever and always love you!
Lizsa: Tobi...
Tobirama: *looks down while blushing and holds the Flowers i had behind my Back in the Direction to Lizsa*
Lizsa: *Mind: Tobirama...❤️* *takes the Flowers* Thanks! *puts them in a Vase filled with Water* But you were right.. i admit i should've rather let Madara tell you and Hashirama instead of this.
Tobirama: Kinda yea, BUT when Mito was with him its ok because she trained with Elder Brother. I shouldn't have gotten so cold against you. Right after you left for the Shower, i regretted my Tone. And i want to apologize for this, please forgive me.
Lizsa: Tobirama..- can you forgive me too?
Tobirama: *smiles softly*
Lizsa: *runs at Tobirama and kisses and hugs him* So everything fine now?
Tobirama: I hope so.
Lizsa: Ok Deal! *hugs him again*
*Then Lizsa and Tobirama checked for the Kids and then Tobirama carried Lizsa in the Bedroom and they slept cuddling*


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