9: The Wedding-Tobirama&Lizsa

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*6 Months and 2 Weeks later*
*The Kids were with Hashirama at his Home, and Tobirama was in the Hokage Building as the Door knocked*
Tobirama: In!
*Lizsa came in*
Tobirama: Hey Beautiful! Finally some Light in the Darkness of the Paper!
Lizsa: Aw sweet. Tobirama, i came to talk.
Tobirama: *scares up*
Lizsa: Easy, calm down. I wanted to talk about our Wedding, cause we're engaged since over a Year and we lost focus on that.
Tobirama: Good Point. Lets marry right here and right now.
Lizsa: And how?😂🤣
Tobirama: Theres a Priest sitting in the waiting Room.
Lizsa: God.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 No. Can we have a normal Wedding?
Tobirama: Eh? And who we invite? Its only Hashirama and the Kids but its logical.
Lizsa: Well....😅
Tobirama: Hm? *wondering*
Lizsa: *comes to Tobirama and sits on his Lap*
Tobirama: Um Dear?
Lizsa: *still sitting at Tobiramas Lap* Heyy Mister Good Looking, Handsome, alluring, seductively & sexy Hokage.!😄❤️ *lays my Hand on Tobiramas Chest and wipes over his Chest because i know he likes it* (he Wears his Armor.)
Tobirama: Oh no. I sense bad Things.
Lizsa: Oh come on, can't i compliment your good looking and very attractive Look? *stands up*
Tobirama: Well thanks but no. I look like that everyday, so tell me, why are you so complimenting.? Who you wanna have also on the Wedding?
Lizsa: *says quietly* Madara..?
Tobirama: *stands up fastly* NO! Not at any Cost! *sighs* Sorry for getting loud, but No!
Lizsa: Oh come on why?
Tobirama: Seriously? *getting a little louder* The Guy took your Eyes and didn't know how to restore your Eyesight and he's in a bitter Fight Friendship with Elder Brother! I don't want him there.!
Lizsa: *sad* Ok... *sad and leaves*
*Lizsa went Home and fed the Kids and talked to them while feeding them*
Joshi: Mama why you look sad and a little like Papa?
Lizsa: *Mind: Oh my Lord, just because i am sad, i look like my fiancé! I think i'm loosing it!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I GOTTA TELL TOBIRAMA!😂🤣 Haha!* Um because... you know Papa and I gonna marry?
Kisha: Mhm. *nods*
Lizsa: Well he doesn't want to have one of my Family Members on the Wedding.
Joshi: Why?
Lizsa: *explains it but more appropriate for Toddlers*
*Later Tobirama came to Lizsa in the Kitchen at Evening*
Lizsa: Want a Sandwich?
Tobirama: Sure, thanks! *sits*
Lizsa: *making sandwich* Oh you don't believe it! You still not want Madara at the Wedding don't you?
Tobirama: Not a bit.
Lizsa: *sighs sad* Anyway.. i was looking sad while feeding the Kids. Oh Remember i said you should smile more often?
Tobirama: Yea?
Lizsa: Please do that!
Tobirama: Why? Just because it may looks good?
Lizsa: Well yes, but no.
Tobirama: Eh?
Lizsa: Joshi asked me Something. *begins to laugh* I was loosing it!😂🤣 *bursts in Laughing*
Tobirama: Eh?
Lizsa: *little laughing* He asked why a look a little sad and... *laughing*😂🤣
Tobirama: Hm?
Lizsa: And why i look a little like Papa. *bursts in Laughing*😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Tobirama: *smirks a little and smile too* I must admit this funny. So i guess if i laugh its ok to laugh or smile in front of the Kids.
Lizsa: Yea yea yea. Why didn't you anyway?
Tobirama: Anyone has to be keep the emotions behind Bars. Thats what Father told me before he died.. on his Death Bed.
Lizsa: Ouh ouch!
Tobirama: Yea... *remembers all Memories with Father and when he died and Tears up a little but wipes Tears* Its ok.
Lizsa: *looks at Tobirama like: 😠*
Tobirama: What?
Lizsa: *looks like: 😠🙄*
Tobirama: *sees Lizsa and thinks that she likes when i show Feelings and that its ok to show them* *runs to Lizsa and hugs her and crys*
Lizsa: *hugs him back* Its ok sweetie.
Tobirama: *wipes the Tears* Can we concentrate on the Wedding? And can it be in 2 Weeks?
Lizsa: Oh someone's furious. Fine... um.. one Question.
Tobirama: No!
Lizsa: Please.🥺 (that Madara comes to the Wedding) Please Please Please!🥺😢😭 *makes Puppy Eyes*🥺
Tobirama: Still no.
Lizsa: *sighs and looks down and checks for the Kids and then goes in Bedroom*
*meanwhile in Kitchen Tobirama thought what good Lizsa all did for him*
*He went to The Bedroom*
Lizsa: *notices Tobirama came in* Hm?🥺😢😭
Tobirama: *little mad Face*
Lizsa: Eh? Dear?
Tobirama: *holds Finger like: ☝️* One Condition!
Lizsa: *Mind: AAAHHH TOBIRAMA!!!😍 Yes Madara can be at the Wedding!😍 My Honey!😍😍😍* AAAAAHHH TOBIRAMA HONEY SWEETIE!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Ohh yes? Anything!
Tobirama: Hashiramas Wood Clones surround him.
Lizsa: How many?
Tobirama: 4?
Lizsa: Deal!
Tobirama: *smirks softly and whispers* As long as you're happy.❤️
Lizsa: *making cute Sounds and runs at Tobirama and jumps on him that he holds me* Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Arigato (japanese for thanks), Thanks! *kisses Tobirama many Time in his Face*
Tobirama: Sure, but the Conditions will be, and if Hashirama or Madara don't accept, Madara doesn't come!
Lizsa: Ok ok! *kissing again*
*2 Weeks later at the Wedding Ceremony everyone was there (Hashirama, Mito, The Twins, Madara surrounded by Hashirama Clones and some Friends.)
*Tobirama was standing Altar and Lizsa just walked to him in a simple White Dress and Tobirama in a Suit*
Priest: Do you, Tobirama Senju, wanna marry Lizsa and take her as Wife, so answer with Yes.
Tobirama: Yes!
Priest: Do you, Lizsa Cru, wanna marry Tobirama and take him as Husband, so answer with Yes.
Lizsa: Yes!
Priest: Then you can kiss.
*They kissed and everyone cheered*
*later in a Garden near the Church, Tobirama and Lizsa took some Pictures together and some with the Kids and a Pic with everyone exept Madara* (Madara made the Pics)
*Everyone was in a Party Room and celebrated as Hashirama took his Brother and Mito took Lizsa by Side in the same Room*
Lizsa: Huh? Mito, Hashirama?
Tobirama: Whats going on here?
Hashirama: Well... we wanted to tell you something Tobirama on the Day I met Lizsa, but Mito was sick.
Lizsa: Oh really then go on?
Mito: We are a Couple.
Lizsa: Ohhhh Congrats!
Tobirama: Indeed.
Hashirama: Well but not fresh.
*Tobirama and Lizsa looked at each other Confused*
Mito: Tobirama, Remember we all, exept Lizsa know each other for It feels like, Decades?
Tobirama: Yes.
Hashirama: Well i don't know how to put this... you are a Uncle since some Decades. And my Son has become Father 6 Months ago... so you're a great-Uncle too!
Tobirama: *grabs Elders Brothers Clothes and shakes him* AND YOU SAY THAT NOW!?!?! WHY!!!!!?
Mito: We hide it cause we were young, and the Father of our Grandchild wants to meet you first before the little Girl can meet you.
Tobirama: My Brother is known as God of Shinobi and you tell me that his Son has to trust me first, that i can see my Great-Niece?!
Hashirama: Well yes.
Tobirama: Baka! Whats the Name?
Hashirama&Mito: Tsunade!
Tobirama: Well pretty.
*as the Party was over everyone went Home and Tobirama and Lizsa spent a nice Wedding Night Together (imagine Something😉🤤😏) and Hashirama and Mito were with Joshi and Kisha*
*some Time later Tobirama met his Brothers Son and also Tsunade and as he once needed to Babysit her, he let all his Feelings out by looking Cute what Lizsa loved.*
*later that Day Lizsa and Tobirama fed the Twins and put them for sleep and then also went for sleep cuddling*


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