Chapter 7

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Rebekah's POV
Today was Thursday and as I walked into first period I didn't expect to see Jasper sitting at his spot especially since Carlisle and Emmett said Monday he would return.

He was staring at me and then at my hand as I went over to sit next to him.

"You we're gone," I told him without looking at him.

"I know..... and I'm so so sorry..... if I hadn't of left Alice wouldn't have-" he says grabbing ahold of my broken hand.

I noticed how cold his hand was against mine as I looked into his now honey colored eyes.

"Where did you go Jasper?" I whispered. "I missed you,"

"I was visiting Family in Alaska with Edward after I found out what happened I rushed a little bit earlier than him to get here,"

"I've been avoiding her she's been staring at me this morning,"

"I know and I apologize for her actions. She's usually not a violent person Rebekah her breakup with me is setting her off,"

"I know Jasper, I'm not sure why she hates me though I haven't really even said anything,"

"She doesn't hate you she-" he begins but cuts off as I give him the death stare.

"She'll come around," he finishes as class had started.

After class Jasper was walking with me to our second period. Very close to me I might add. I spotted Alice as she made her way towards us, I could see Jasper staring her down like he wanted to murder her or something.

She sighed turning to face me.

"I'm sorry Rebekah. Really I am..... for breaking your hand. I shouldn't have done what I did especially since your hu- I mean just wanting to know why I was upset with you," she corrects herself after Jasper gave her the glare of death.

"It's okay Alice. Im sorry I shouldn't have provoked you..... should've just left it alone ya know?"

"The reason is because I broke up with Jasper and I'm just taking it out on you when I shouldn't have. Can we start over? Maybe be friends?" She asked in a sweet voice causing me to smile.

"If you'd stop giving me the death stare than yeah actually I wouldn't mind," I say causing her to squeal.

"Great! I have to go now and again so sorry for that hand I really hope you feel better soon! See you around Rebekah!"

"See you!" I called after her.

"That went well actually," Jasper says after she's out of sight.

"Yeah it did maybe now I get to see the nice side of Alice,"

Jasper smirked.

"You will trust me,"

"Hmmm..... I don't know about that part," I grinned causing him to do the same.

"LOOK AT YOU!" Emmett shouted from the doorway running and giving me a giant bear hug.

"YOUR ALIVE!" He screams as I laughed.

"Emmett calm down it's just a broken hand,"

"Yeah placed there by my braty sister! Did she apologize?"

"Yeah just now in the hallway she wants to be friends with me,"

"Great! We don't need trouble in our family,"

"I'm sorry am I missing something here?" Jasper asked looking between me and Emmett.

"Oh yeah buddy I stole your girl from ya when you were gone," he says with a big grin on his face.

"Stop it Em, it's okay Jas, he's just messing around we're good friends,"

"A little too good of friends," he says staring Emmett down who only grinned at Jasper.

"Nice to have you back Jasper," he says before the three of us went inside the room.

"Rebekah are you going to be sitting with us at the table today?" Emmett sudden voice brought me out of trance from the teacher.

"You want me to sit with you?"

"We wouldn't mind," he answered flashing his teeth.

I smiled looking over at Jasper as relief washed over me causing him to smile slowly.

"Of course Id love to," I tell them with a smile.

Wait..... what am I doing? I was going to say no because I sit with Bella but something possessed me to say yes. I looked over at Jasper who was still slightly smiling as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Lunch time

"BECKS!" Bella yelled tackling me to the ground. "This time apart with you sucks! Why did you have to be older?"

"I don't know Bella ask mom and dad," I say dusting myself off.

"Your sitting with us right?" She asked beaming smile on her face.

I frowned looking over at the Cullen's table as it looked like Jasper was listening in.

"Well I kinda told the Cullen's I would sit with them,"

"What?! After what Alice did to you?"

"It's okay Bells all is forgiven. She apologized and even asked to be friends Emmett and Jasper invited me over,"

"Oh..... okay I'll see you after school then?"

"Yeah course you will," I say with a small hug before making my way over to the Cullen's.

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