Chapter 11

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Rebekah's POV

"You don't have to walk with me to Bella's car you know," I told Jasper as it was after school now and he was walking me to the truck.

"I can't risk somethin happening to you darling. You were almost crushed yesterday,"

"But you saved me," I tell him as I was leaning against the truck and his arm was on top of it as he was leaning our faces inches apart.

"Indeed I did ma'am,"

"Do you regret it?" I asked biting my lip.

"How could I ever regret saving you? You don't know how much I need you Rebekah,"

"How much you need me?" I asked looking up into his eyes as my heart was beating faster.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Bella shouted before Jasper could answer as she was out of breath. "Oh sorry as I interrupting something?" She asked looking between me and Jasper as I blushed.

"No ma'am. I'm just keeping your sister company. I'll see you on Monday," he says before kissing me on the cheek causing me to blush harder as he grinned before he left with his family. 


We were now at La Push with Jessica, Mike, Eric, and Angela. Bella and I were sitting on the back of her truck though eating some licorice together. 

"So you and Jasper?" She began smirking as I blushed. 

I seem to be doing that alot Lately. 

"Umm... nothing is going on Bells. I promise you,"

"I saw that kiss on the cheek he gave you earlier, hes into you,"

"Oh Yeah Rebekah your like the talk of the school ya know? With you and Jasper," Jessica says jogging over to us. 

"We're not a couple Jessica just friends,"

"Well everyone else thinks your banging him,"

"WHAT?!" I yelled with my eyes wide. 

"Who's my best friend banging?" Jacob asked walking over to us. 

"JAKE!" I say running to him and wrapping my arms around him. 

He smiled and laughed as he twirled me around. 

'Haven't seen you since you came here loca! I missed you,"

"I miss you too. You could always visit you and Billy are welcomed stupid," I say punching his arm as he laughed. 

He looked over at Bella who was walking over towards us. 

"Hey Jacob," she smiled. 

"Hey Bella," he smiled back. 

"Oh make out already," I say rolling my eyes as they both blushed. 

"SHUT UP REBEKAH!" They yelled together causing me to laugh. 

"Anyways guys this is our old friend Jacob, Jacob this is Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric," I introduced. 

"Nice to meet you guys thanks for keeping the girls company," Jake said with a smile. 

"Well really its just Bella, Rebekah here has her own boy toy to keep company,"

"I do not!" 

"He bailed though,"

"He didn't he just couldn't come here Jess,"

"Who is this guy? When do I get to punch him?" Jacob asked cracking his knuckles. 

"Jacob his name is Jasper Hale if you must know,"

"The Cullen/ Hale's don't come here," One of the men behind Jake says in a serious voice looking me dead in the eye causing me to look down. 

Bella decided to sit back in the truck as Jake and I went on a walk along the beach. 

"So, what did your friends mean by They dont come here? What's the secret with them?" I asked causing him to laugh. 

"You heard that huh? Really its just an old scary story, apparently we descended from wolves, and we found the cold ones hunting on our lands so we made a peace treaty with them, we'll leave them alone as long as they never come to our land again,"

"Hmmm," was all I replied with as I stopped walking. 


"You say the Cold Ones...... Jasper wanted me to research about the Cold ones,"

"Really? Why's that?"

"Apparently I dont ask enough questions about them wants me to research before I go over there next weekend,"

"Wait...... As into there house? Rebekah I don't really trust them. You shouldn't go over there,"

"Give me a reason and I'll think about it,"

"They're weird Rebekah. I don't want anything happening to you or Bella and you need to stay away from them,"

"Bella's not even with them Jake..... Well she wants to be with Edward but he's been gone all week. Jasper too but he came back early after-" 

"After Alice broke your hand right?"

"How'd you know?"

"Your dad talks with mine remember?"

"Oh right....."

"Promise me you'll stay away from them?"

"I can't Jacob..... I like being around Jasper,"

"Then you cant be around me anymore," he says leaving me stunned as he began walking away.

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