Chapter 10

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Rebekah's POV

I was asleep, tossing and turning. I was really having another nightmare about Jasper becoming something else other than his complexion of human skin.

"Jasper," I whisper his name in my sleep before I opened my eyes.

As I did so I saw Jasper himself looking at me with worry and concern in his eyes.

"Jasper?" I breathed out as he didn't move a muscle.

I turned to my lamp that was on my bedside but when I turned to look back he was gone. Maybe I'm seeing things? I sighed slamming my head on the pillow and heading back to sleep.


It was Friday now and after school Bella and I were going to La Push with Jessica and the others dad thought it was a great idea and said it was good that I was getting along with Bella's friends. I sat in first period as I noticed Jasper hasn't arrived yet. He finally came in a few minutes after I did.

"Someone is late," I joke causing him to chuckle.

"Family drama,"

"Everything okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah nothing we can't handle everything is fine," he says as I couldn't help but feel a wash of relief.

"That's good to know Jasper. Hey I was wondering Bella and I were going to the beach with some friends today after School. You should come,"

"Which beach is it ma'am?" He asked his Texan accent coming out.

"La Push,"

He frowned.

"I don't think I can make it Rebekah. I'm sorry,"

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?" I asked concerned again.

"Nothing is wrong I just can't be at that particular beach. It'll cause.... Trouble,"

"I understand Jasper you don't have to explain," I tell him placing a hand on top of his and giving him a smile.

He sighed closing his eyes.

"Why are you so different? Your not even asking questions,"

"I'm just an understanding person Jasper. And I don't go poking around into other peoples business unless ethey want me too,"

"I kinda want you too," he joked as I laughed with him.

"You want me to go into your business?"

"More like research I want you to research the Cold Ones and since your coming over next weekend, let me know what you find out. Just don't be afraid,"

I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Sir Hale I'm Rebekah Swan, nothing could ever frighten me," he chuckled.

"I don't know Ms. Swan, this one might," he grinned causing me to roll my eyes.

After class we were walking to the next one.

"So.... The cold ones I'm a little curious,"

Jasper smirked.

"That's why it's called Research darlin. If I tell you it wouldn't be a point of researching,"

"Researching what love birds?" Emmett asked from out side the classroom as he just leaned against the wall. 

I ended up blushing as Jasper did a low growl causing him to Smirk.

"Emmett shut up," I say punching him in the arm but I winced as My hand was throbbing.

Jasper immediately was at my side as he cradled my throbbing hand in his.

"What are you made of stone?" I asked which caused both of them to chuckle.

"Muscles actually ma'am. How's your hand?" He asked pointing to the non broken one which Jasper was still holding.

"The pain isn't as bad. Jasper coolness is actually helping it alot, thank you Jasper," I say with a smile as he smiled back and released my hand.

"Don't need another broken hand now do we?" Emmett laughed as the three of us walked in.

We each took a seat as Emmett sighed.

"So Rebekah what research we're y'all talking about earlier?" Emmett began as I looked over at Jasper who nodded his head.

"Jasper here wants me to research something called The cold ones,"

Emmett gave Jasper a knowing look.

"Your planning on telling her?"

"She hasn't even asked questions about it Emmett. Besides I want her to know before she comes over next weekend for our baseball game remember?"

"Oh that's right don't want her to freak out," he says smirking as Jasper did as well.

"I'm utterly confused between the two of you," I say causing both of them to laugh.

"You sitting with us at lunch again today Rebekah?"

I sighed remembering how Rosalie treated me and I came up with an excuse.

"I promised Bella I'd sit with her today. Sorry Em,"

"Em?" Jasper asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone's jealous?"

"No! I mean no I'm not. Didn't realize me being gone caused you two to be in nickname bases,"

"Well maybe next time you shouldn't leave," I say with a smile on my face.

"'Noted," he replied as class had begun.

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