chapter 23

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Rebekah's POV

Once Jacob and Billy had left I sighed as I flopped down onto Bella's bed exhausted from Today's events.

"You know you have your own room right?" Bella asked laying down next to me.

"Yeah but I like yours more,"

She giggled.

"Girl my bed is too small so get your big butt off," she says kicking me in my butt as I ended up rolling off the bed.

She busted out laughing as I whined.

"Hey!!!!" I exclaimed getting up and dusting myself off.

She continued to laugh as I couldn't help but smile and roll my eyes. I was glad she was happy with me around, if I wasn't I'm not sure what she would be doing at this moment.

"Goodnight Bells," I say once she calmed down.

"Goodnight Becks,"

I closed the door to her room just as I saw dad go up the stairs to his room. He looked over at me as he smiled.

"You had fun today?"

"Yeah dad today was great. Me and Jake made up today were cool again,"

"I'm glad, now maybe you and Bella could spend some more time with him,"

I pouted.

"What's that supposed to mean dad?"

"It just means I rather have you with him than a Cullen but it's not my choice really it's up to you on who to choose, I don't run your life,"

I couldn't help but smile at his words.

"Thanks Dad, that means a lot,"

"goodnight kiddo gotta work early in the mornin,"

"Night dad," I say smiling before he went inside his room.

I sighed as I began to head towards my own, my heart almost beat out of my chest however, when Jasper was sitting on my bed as I closed my door.

"Jazzzz," I complained placing a hand on my heart.

"What? I missed you. Is that so bad?" He asked coming over to me as we hugged each other.

"I missed you too Jazz,"

"I can't wait for two days, you'll meet my family,"

I smiled up at him.

"You know Jasper, Bella got invited too,"

"What? No way, I was not informed,"

I giggled.

"Well your informed now, so pucker up," I tell him before giving him a much needed kiss.


It was finally Friday the day Bella and I get to meet the Cullen's parents. Everyone has gotten used to me and Jasper and Bella and Edward so it wasn't surprising when after school rolled around and both Cullen's were by our trucks talking to us.

"You nervous ma'am?" Jasper asked smirking.

"Only if they don't like me..... you know Alice hates me,"

"Babe Alice adores you darlin, y'all were just off to a rocky start, besides everyone loves you, it's Bella you should worry about," he whispered smiling as the color drained from my face.

He laughed.

"I'm joking darling, calm down," he said kissing my forehead. "Everyone will love you both equally,"

I breath out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. I'm glad to hear Jasper, I should probably get going I mean you are gonna meet my dad,"

"That I am darlin I know he'll like me for my dazzling good looks,"

I giggled kissing his cheek.

"Now go I'll see you soon okay?"

"Yes madam but before I go," he says pulling me into a sweet kiss.

I couldn't help but moan as he cupped my cheeks in his hands. The kiss itself was like floating on air. He gently released knowing that I needed to breath as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Until later my love," he says before walking away with Edward.

I sighed climbing into the truck as Bella smirked.

"Someone had a nice make out session with her boyfriend?"

"Shut up," I say sticking my tongue out causing her to laugh.

"Come on let's go, I'm so excited I can't put it into words,"

"I know, plus it's a whole day with Jasper!"

"And me with Edward," she responds as we both giggle.

Once we reach home we saw Dads car out in the driveway. I smiled wide as I jumped out the truck and ran inside to see daddy cleaning his gun.

"DADDY WERE HOME!" I shouted grabbing him from behind to give him a hug.

"Woah hey Becks, where's your sister?"

"Right here dad and we got some amazing news," we said as Bella grabbed my hand.

"Oh? And what's that?"

"Our boyfriends are coming over to meet you today,"

Our dad gulped.


"Yeah the Cullen's,"

"You mean....... Each of you is dating one?"

"Mhmmm I got Jasper,"

"And I got Edward," Bella responds putting some hair behind her ear.

"Huh, well we'll see how  charming they are," Dad said as he loaded the rifle.

"Behave they are important to us," I scolded just as the doorbell rang.

I couldn't contain my excitement as Dad smiled at me, happy to see that I was happy as well.

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