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Third P.O.V

Joseph walked through the warehouse which was surprisingly neat. The place reeked with the smell of marijuana and cleaning products, very prominent in the air. He lifted his shades from his face and slid it over his hair brushing it out of his face and now resting on his head.

He stood with both hands in front of him with his men and women pointing guns at Cassandra's. He looked around at the almost naked men packaging drugs with guards watching their every move.

"Joseph Giordano. What an unpleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure." She smiled signaling her people to lower their weapons as did he. Joseph smiled slightly before pulling out a chair. "I've come to ask a favor of you." He said, adjusting his cufflinks as she scoffed at the very words that left his mouth.

Cassandra wasn't a very pleasing person. In fact, she could be your worst nightmare or a blessing. Some people would rather choose blessings. Cassandra was a hustler. And for that she gained respect from many.

She sat in front of him with her face length jet black hair and sharp jawline. Her brown skin glistened under the dark lights while her gold rings stood out. Wearing her all red suit of course.

"Oh come on Joey. I should think you know me better by now. Cassandra Garcia does a favor for no one, unless of course, it benefits herself." She stated as a matter of factly. Grinning in his face like a Cheshire Cat. Joseph slowly nodded his head smiling along with her. Reaching into his jacket to pull out a deed. He put on his glasses and looked up to her. "Are you willing to bet money on that statement? You could never turn down a good bet as well." He smiled as her face dropped and eyes rolled. Cassandra threw her head back and began groaning.

"Damn you Giordano. I still don't know how your used to be scrawny ass pulled that fight off." Cassandra pouted, folding her arms. With the snap of her fingers Joseph handed the deed to the person coming to retrieve it.

"So what is it that you need from me?" she asks with curiosity. Placing her hand on her chin and looking at him intently.

"It's not what I want from you. But a matter of what I want from Ember tells it all." Joseph winks as Cassandra's expression goes from curiosity to interest within a matter of seconds. Cassandra drops her hands to her side and hums.

"Don't tell me this is about your engagement to the ruthless bitch. Only I hear she's not ruthless or a bitch anymore." She pauses and stands up walking closer. "I heard Miss Mina went underground for a few years. And became a. Wedding planner?"she asks waiting for confirmation as Joseph nods

"While Mr. Joseph Giordano son of Moira Giordano, became a big bad mafia man" Cassandra smirked in a taunting way. "I heard through the grapevine. You like killing people with your hands. Is that true"

"I don't know cass, do you want to find out?" Joseph said in a lowering tone. His face changed along with his demeanor. Cassandra backed up clapping her hands. "There's the Joseph I've been dying to meet. I was wondering when he was going to make an appearance."

"Cut the bullshit. You owe her this." He said standing up and placing his hands in his pockets.

"What do you want me to do? Cassandra says with an evil glint in her eyes. Feeling more riled up than before. "Spin this story. Make it your way in the media but not too razzle dazzle. Quiet it down some"

"I hate to say it but that's going to be impossible Joey. You are a world renowned scientist. A handsome one at that. And you just got taken off the market by the daughter of two of the most skilled surgeons in America and France? It's going to be impossible to make this die down. But I can, however, make this a story to tell your grandchildren. That is if this engagement of yours is more than just a ploy."

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