[OLD]Welcome to the Villains' world.

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Rapid pulling was the sound Dia woken up to.

'What's that noise...?' Dia thought as they regained their senses.
"I swore it wasn't winter yet.. Where am I?" Dia mumbles finally checking their surroundings. "This isn't.."

"Crap, people are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..."

'Who..? They don't sound like Phos, or Bort. Could they be a new gem..?'

Dia would feel the box they were in slightly shake.

"Grr!! The lid is too heavy.. Time for my secret move!"

The top of the box that held Dia would come off, startling Dia as blue flames entered their vision.

"Gwuaha there!"

'What is this?!' Dia thinks quickly, rapidly sitting up checking their surroundings.

'What is this?!' Dia thinks quickly, rapidly sitting up checking their surroundings

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"Okay, ok. Gotta get...- WHAAAA! WHY ARE YOU UP??""

Dia's head turned quickly to the grey animal they have never seen before.
"What are you..?" Dia asked confused.
"HAH?? I am the great grim!!- Ack!"

Dia held the creature by its chest.
"Are you a thing brought by the lunarians?" Dia said "Though, you haven't really tried anything yet."
They hesitantly put Grim down.

"Weird human..." Grim mumbled. "Well whatever, hey human hurry up and give me those clothes!" Grim smirked "Otherwise, I'll roast ya!"

Dia stood confused, then looked to their attire.
"This isn't my uniform.." Dia said inspecting the purple robe.

"What are you waiting for? Give me your clothes!!" Grim said as Dia tried to grab their sword which ended up them grabbing air instead. Soon realizing they are out of options, and really didn't want to become liquid diamond, they ran.

"WHY you-! Stop right there!!"
Grim followed behind them.

Dia soon finds themselves in dark room filled with books and desks.
'This isn't the school..'


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