Holy Divine Virgin Athena In Heaven, Sky & Stars Save Us From All Evil! Vice!

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Holy Divine Heaven Virgin Goddess Athena Parthenos

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Holy Divine Heaven Virgin Goddess Athena Parthenos. LeQuire, Parthenon, Nashville - USA.

May The Holy Divine Heaven Virgin Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Technical Arts, Strategy, Diplomacy and Warfare Save Us All from Goddess Eris, the Evil, the Selfishness. From Goddess Hybris, the Hubris, the Arrogance, Mockery and Prepotency. From Goddess Dyssebeia, the Impiety. From Goddess Oizys, Goddess of Misery, Depression, Stress, Distress and Anxiety. From Kakia, Goddess of Vice, of All Vices, the Sadness. From Phobos, God of Fear, Terror and Panic Attack. From Tartarus known as Hell and Asphodel Fields known as Purgatory. From all our enemies, especially the inside ones, the only ones who matters to win, defeat and conquer, otherwise they turn ourselves, friends and Heroes, into themselves, enemies and villains.

Divine Dewy Iris, Olympian Goddess of Rainbow and Resurrection, Messenger of the Olympian Heaven Gods and Goddesses, especially of the Holy Divine Queen Hera, Queen of Queens, carrying the sacred water of the River Styx in Hades (Afterlife/Underwo...

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Divine Dewy Iris, Olympian Goddess of Rainbow and Resurrection, Messenger of the Olympian Heaven Gods and Goddesses, especially of the Holy Divine Queen Hera, Queen of Queens, carrying the sacred water of the River Styx in Hades (Afterlife/Underworld) to Olympus (Life/UpperWorld) for the Gods to swear, by Guy Head, c. 1793 - Nelson Atkins Museum of Art.