H.E. I.S. Izuku Midoriya

302 6 33


Red sneakers paced down the sidewalk, occasionally squeaking as they hurried to get to their destination.

A green haired boy was walking down a sidewalk in Tokyo, his toxic green eyes squinting through the rain. He had to make it in time. He had to.

The boy tried thinking of a quicker way to get home, because at this rate he wouldn't get back until six.

It was five-o'clock.

The boy looked to his left, down a dark alleyway that, if he went through, would save him precious time.

However he noticed an all-too-familiar person in that alleyway.

A blonde-haired, rough-voiced, teenage boy was standing in the alleyway, looking down at his phone.

Izuku was stuck. But he knew what he had to do, because he had to do it.

The poor boy thought, that he could sneak past the blonde, that because he was distracted by his phone, he wouldn't notice.

Oh how very wrong he was.

The blonde's hand found the collar of the greenette's shirt, and he pulled it harshly towards him.

The greenette whimpered, struggling against the iron-like grip that the blonde had on him.

But to no avail did the poor boy succeed.

The blonde put his phone away, stuffing it in his too-small pocket. He pushed the greenette towards the ground, earning a whimper from the small boy.

He didn't have to say anything. The greenette knew what the blonde was going to do.

And all the blonde said were insults, as he bullied the poor boy with explosions.

But the blonde didn't notice one thing.

He didn't notice that the greenette had passed out. He didn't know that his explosions were slowly killing the small boy.

The boy lay unconscious on the ground, covered in burn after burn after burn, each one a different degree than the other.

The blonde did not know what he had done.

As he left the greenette in that alleyway, he didn't stop to consider why the greenette would come that way anyway.

I mean, he saw him standing there, right?

He knew what was going to happen.

But no, the blonde did not know this.

He didn't even consider it, why the smaller boy was so desperate to get where he needed to go.


The blonde turned down another street, umbrella in one hand, and phone in the other.

The blonde forgot about the green.

And when the green-haired smaller boy woke up...

It was pitch-black, and the blonde was nowhere in sight.

Inko Midoriya was furious.

Very, very furious.

Our poor little greenette walked through the door of his home, expecting and not expecting at the same time.

He was expecting a punishment.

But he wasn't expecting a punishment this bad.

"Sit- sit down, Izuku," Inko Midoriya said, as she walked over to the magnetic block in which all of the knives were kept.

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