Kam and Sam

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Kam and Sam were best friends. They had known each other since forever. They were the best of friends. They were—

"Alright, author-chan! You don't have to go on a monologue about how great we are," Kam said, seemingly to no one in particular.

"Who are you talking to now, Kammy?" Sam asked with air of someone who had done this many, many times before.

"Breakin' the fourth wall, of course! It's so fun!" Kam responded happily.

Sam chuckled and shook his head. Kam was a little... to put it bluntly, insane.

"Whatever you say, Kam, whatever you say."

Sam had learned to put up with Kam's... unusual behavior and obsession with poison. He had also learned to tolerate his growing hate for Izuku Midoriya.

"So, Kam... why do you hate that Midoriya boy anyway? He hasn't gotten in our way," Sam asked.

Kam just laughed. "Ahahaha! Sam, you are sorrily miss-take-en! I don't hate Izuku Midoriya... I despise him! He... he... he pisses me off! Honestly, I am so sick of him and his little hItOsHi and sHotO, following him around like flies! His strength just pisses me the fuck off! So I'm going to kill him because he pisses me—"

"I get it! He pisses you off! That's not really a good reason to kill him, but whetever. He should be dead by now. Then we'll forget about him and move on..."

"Whatever you want to think, Sam! Kehehehe, I wish I could watch this play out... the look of horror on his friends' faces as he slowly starts to depart this world..." Kam monologued.

Sam just sighed. "Sadist," he said, while walking away from the now hysterically laughing Kam.


Izuku was passed out on the bar floor in a pool of his own coughed up blood.

Shortly after he had passed out on the bar floor, Izuku had started to cough up blood. Now, Shoto was leaning over him and didn't know what to do.

"Crap... Izuku! Izuku! Wake up! Please!" he was yelling desperately, as though screaming was going to wake him.

Luckily, Kurogiri, who had heard Shoto's frantic screams, came running into the bar.

(I know I said that the base was empty, but... plot. Sorry.)

"What is happeni— oh my goodness! What happened here?!" Kurogiri screamed frantically.

"I— I don't know! He just started coughing up blood and now he's unconscious!" Shoto yelled.

"Okay okay— wait, you said he started coughing up blood?" Kurogiri asked, freezing up.


"Flip him over!"

Shoto did as he was asked to do and flipped Izuku over so his face was towards the ground. Shoto was confused as to why Kurogiri wished for Izuku to be flipped over, but he didn't question it.

Kurogiri examined the back of Izuku's neck. "There is a tracker here," he said after a few moments. Shoto gasped. "A tracker?! Well, how did it get there?!"

"I don't know, but it's injecting something into his body. Whoever made this must be really skilled at making devices like these... plus, it's really small," said Kurogiri.

"And I know exactly who did this..."


"Saaam! It's working!" said Kam.

"It is? Well, he's not dead yet so I thought it had failed," replied Sam, who was currently going through applications.

"Whatever... anyways, what are we gonna call this organization? I mean, we have a lot of applicants, regarding that big pile of papers over there."

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