I.M. Izuku Midoriya

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Uh, okay- it's: "You were supposed to say, 'fuck you, author-chan!'"

"Right- you were supposed to say, 'fuck you, author-chan!" Halo yelled at Izuku.

"Wait... we broke the script?!" Shoto said, suddenly sounding excited.

Halo just giggled. "Don't get all excited just because you broke one line! There is still more to come~."

"Shoto... let's run at them and see what happens," Izuku decided. Shoto nodded and got ready to go all out on the Author.

"Ready? On the count of three. One, two, three!"

Shoto and Izuku both ran at the Author, who was just staring at them.

"Izuuuuuu! I thought you were smarter than thiiiis!" Halo said, drawing out the first and last words.

(Narrator, we can see that, lol.)

^ Ignore that-

*cough* Anyways, Halo started chuckling and called out —


As if they were mere puppets attached to strings (foreshadowing), Izuku and Shoto swerved around the Author, surprised and confused.

Izuku was the former, Shoto was the latter.

"Wh-what?! How did we swerve?! How— what—?!" Shoto stuttered.

Izuku, however, was staring at the Author.

"What? Want me to end this? Okay then, die!" Halo yelled at Izuku. However, nothing happened.

"Wh-what? You were supposed to just drop dead!" Halo said, confused.

"It didn't work... we're breaking the system, Sho!" said Izuku.

However, Shoto didn't respond.

"Sho...?" Izuku knelt down to his best friend, checking his pulse.


There was no pulse.

"He's dead!" Izuku yelled, directing his voice at Halo.

Halo laughed. "I guess I didn't specify who should die."

Izuku ran at Halo, activating his quirk.

"I gave you that quirk," Halo said, almost emotionlessly. "So why are you using it again me?"

Izuku stopped. That was true, but...

"You also gave me the right to use it! I'm supposed to kill you, aren't I!?" Izuku proclaimed.

"Is that scripted?" Halo asked [seemingly] no one in particular.

Yes, that's scripted. Remember?

Halo looked up. "Oh, right. Ahem— you, Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, are supposed to fight and kill me! Don't get cocky, though! We have to fight! If you try and get off-script, I could snap you back to reality... or we could fight for eternity!~"

Izuku mentally shivered. Fighting this deranged author... for eternity, no less, seemed like a death wish.

Mustering up the courage, he threw some flames at the Author. They were caught off guard.

"Gah! It's supposed to be sudden like that! And I'm supposed to get burned!" Halo said while letting the flames engulf them.

Once the flames dissipated, Izuku observed the Author, who seemed totally unaffected.

"How are you unaffected?!" yelled a confused Izuku.

Halo winced, and a crack appeared down their face. "Stop going off-script!" They said, almost sounding panicked.

I.M. Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now