The Unforseen Simulation Joint

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Two weeks later . . .


"Settle down, settle down!"

Class 1-A returned to their seats and faced their teacher.

"Alright. Today we will be going to the USJ. For the last two weeks, I have trained you all in endurance and speed. You should be ready for the harsh climates you're going to face today."

Kirishima raised his hand.


"Why are we going so early in the year? It's only the third week—"

"Like I've said before. I only have three years to turn you all into heroes. We don't have time to waste," Aizawa snapped.

Kirishima sunk lower in his seat once more.

"Okay. Change into your hero outfits and get on the bus."


A/N: Izuku's hero outfit is the same, just with no sleeves so he doesn't burn his outfit.


The class stepped out of the bus and into the USJ.

The door automatically shut behind them.

"Alright! Hello, Class 1-A! I'm pro rescue hero 13, and welcome to the USJ! Aizawa and I will be putting you all into situations where you will have to find the hostages in harsh climates that won't always be a trump card for your quirk!"

"Where's All Might?" Aizawa asked.

13 held up three fingers. "He had to attend to some hero work, but he should be here soon!

Aizawa nodded and was about to get started when somebody shouted—

"Woah! They even brought real thugs to test us!"

Hundreds of thugs came out of a dark purple portal, followed by the rest of the League of Villains.

While the class was buzzing with excitement, Aizawa and 13 were panicking.

"Those aren't ours! Those are real thu—"

Just then, a purple portal surrounded the class and teleported them to random stations around the USJ.

"You think we would let you heroes run free? You are mistaken. Dreadfully mistaken!" it spoke.

Izuku smirked. It was all going according to plan...


All Might wasn't here, but that was out of the League's control. Izuku knew about his quirk...


Izuku turned around to see Shinsou running towards him. He had joined the class and fit in quite nicely.

"We need to find Shoto and regroup. He should be in the fire area," he said.

Izuku nodded and they snuck their way towards the burning city. Kurogiri had skillfully placed them all in certain places so they could regroup.

They snuck quietly. It would be suspicious if they were found, having cleared their area so fast.

From the other person's perspective, of course.

They made it to the fire area and met up with Shoto.

"Hey, guys. Do we reveal ourselves here?" Shoto asked.

"No. It's too early to reveal ourselves," Shinsou said.

"Alright. Now lets 'help' these heroes."


I.M. Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now