Chapter 16-No sleep

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Sleep is overrated

Being in a coma is overrated

Being dead is overrated

But right now I'm only in one of those. I stir around, not wanting to be disturbed but the stupid beeping coming from the machine is killing me.

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the lights. I was in pain, but I need to get out of here.

"Woah, you should not be getting up." Mike said walking in

"Mike, what hospital am I at?" I questioned. I know he works in New York but closed to the city

"Well, when I got the call I rushed over here and got work privileges here. So I did your surgery" he said

"Thank you, but I need to get home" I said trying to get up but immediately regretted it because of the pain in my stomach

"I can't give you pain meds due to your addiction, but we did give you some pain killers" he said

"When can I leave?" I questioned. I need to see Ella, I need to make sure she is okay.

"Hopefully tomorrow but you've been asleep for 27 hours" he said

"27 hours?" I said in disbelief

"Yes, but you should heal pretty quickly" he replied

"Is Tyler here?" I questioned

"He was, barely helped him and then they took him." He replied

"Where's my phone, I need to call Ella" I said

"Here, although it is pretty broken" he replied handing me my phone to see it's shattered. I groaned and tossed it to the side

"Do you have a phone I can use?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and opened it for me. I dialed Stefan's number waiting for him to pick up. After a few rings he finally picked up

"Mike, is she is okay, what happened?" Stefan asked in a worried tone before I could even speak

"It's Stassie, I'm fine and awake" I said

"You gave me a heart attack" he replied

"Good, now how's Ella?" I questioned

"She's uhh I mea-

"Spit it out Stefan" I said as my patience kept getting smaller.

"Not good, she barely sleeps, has nightmares, hasn't spoke since she got home, I've been sleeping in her room since she's afraid something might happen and haven't left her room" he said

"Have you taken her to Dr. Williams?" I asked

"She doesn't want to leave the house" he replied

"Get Dr. Williams to the house, she will help." I said

"I will, Tyler's at the warehouse ready for you" Stefan replied

"Good, no one kills him, only I will" I said

"Ok, when do you get discharged?" He asked

"Hopefully tomorrow" I replied looking at Mike which he hesitantly nodded.

"Ok" he said with a crash in the background he added "hold on stassie, I'll call you back"

"Ok" I replied. I handed back the phone. "I will get you some food" Mike said

"Ok" i replied. 15 minutes later he brought back food and Matthew stopped by. The whole day people went in and out and I was left alone and night. The pain was tolerable but I know pain killers would help but I couldn't take them.

The next morning I was finally discharged and Matthew took me home. As I approached home I was very nervous. I didn't know what to expect from ella. I was scared because I know it's my fault this happened, she got hurt because of me.

Matthew pulled up to the house and dropped me off, he insisted he helped me inside but I didn't need anyone to baby me, I'm fine and I just need to make sure Ella is.

"I'm home" I called out as I stepped into the house. It was quiet, too quiet for the house. I went up the stairs to first check the game room seeing they usually are in their. I found all of them playing games, even Ella was in there. She wasn't participating and is quiet but she was in there.

"Hi guys" I said stepping into the room more. Elijah, Madeline and Anthony jump off the couch and hug me while screaming "mom"

"Ella, why don't you give your mom a hug" Stefan said nudging Ella which she didn't reply to.

"It's okay, let her sit" I replied giving a smile. The kids dispersed to go back to the game on the tv. I walked over and sat next to Ella

"Ella, how are you?" I asked giving her a hug. I know she's struggling and she needs to know I'm here for her. She didn't respond but I know not to push her

I grabbed my phone and texted stefan

Did you tell her anything about our work?-stassie

He heard a ping and opened his phone.

No, I was waiting for you to come home-Stefan

Should we tell her tonight?-stassie

Do you think it will scare her more?-stefan

She's already scared-stassie

Okay, we will tell her tonight-Stefan


I put my phone away and looked over at Ella. She isn't her and I know how she is right now. I've been a similar situation and she must be confused and scared. She won't even talk to Elijah and they always talk to each other.

I spent the day with them and Ella barely spoke a word, she would nod her head if she agreed with dinner or what movie we were watching. It was getting late and I tucked everyone in. I went over to Ella's room with Stefan to talk to her

"Ella, your father and I want to talk to you about something" I said. She just looped up to us

"So your father and I are apart of a business that is not legal. Tyler as well is apart of that and thought if I he were to take you, he could get our business" I said trying to be careful with the words I say

"And the reason we have guns is because we have to protect ourselves since people are out to get us. You were never suppose to get hurt and Tyler will pay for this" Stefan added trying to back me up

"And I'm sorry Tyler hurt you, I'm so sorry and I will never let that happen to you ever again. I love you so much and I'm so sorry" I said hugging her. I could have lost my daughter and that would be the worst thing that happened to me.

"Do you have any questions?" I asked which she didn't respond to. She just kept picking her skin, she's anxious.

"Ok, we're gonna let you sleep. Goodnight Ella" Stefan said giving her a smile trying to comfort hurt. It hurts me knowing she is hurt

"Mom can I sleep in your room" she mumbled. I looked to see she making eye contact, something she hasn't done yet.

"Yes of course you can" I said lending my hand. She grabbed it, grabbing her pillow and we walked to my room. She got into my bed and Stefan wished her goodnight

"Can Stefan stay in here?" She asked. Stefan looked to me and i couldn't refuse

"Yes he can" I replied. Stefan changed into pajamas and slid into the bed he hadn't slept in years. I also changed into pajamas and slipped into bed.

Ella slowly fell asleep and Stefan as well. I was the last to fall asleep questioning everything

"I'm sorry Ella" I whispered, kissing her head.


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. What will happen next? Find out next time, see you later byeeee

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