Chapter 29-Official retirement

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January 15

Today is the day I retire and it is a bittersweet moment. I didn't expect to retire this early but I know it needs to happen according to my many doctors and Stefan who will practically take it away if I don't. I am holding a meeting today at the warehouse to announce my retirement and having Samantha take over. It isn't old new, people know about it and heard the rumors but today is the official announcement. 

I got out of my bed and started to get ready for the meeting. I put on my work attire for the last time, I hated wearing it so I am glad that I don't have to wear it anymore. I did a bit of makeup and put on my heels and walked down the stairs. I walked to the kitchen and made myself a smoothie

"Are you ready for today?" Stefan walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass from the cabinet

"Sure" I sarcastically replied as I poured my smoothie into the cup. I start drinking it and sitting on the kitchen chair.

"I will be there to see it. How do you think the crowd will react?" He questioned

"No idea, people have heard the rumors and some don't agree with it while others will follow because they believe in me" I stated

"Well I agree with your decision and if people see that then they will follow too" he replied

"Yeah cause everyone believes Stefan aveline and will follow him because he is a man" I scoffed drinking my smoothie and wanting this day to end already. 

"Hey I built that business and was the leader more than you have. I made sure it was always at the best so don't act like just because I am a guy they will always believe me" He replied

"You're acting as if I didn't keep it at the top. I didn't have anyone home to help with the kids unlike you who had me. You can't tell me I didn't work twice as hard when I took over" I exclaimed looking like a maniac as I express how much I have worked. My work has always been overlooked because of Stefan and how much he did but people don't understand how much work I have done.

"I never said that, I am just saying I also worked very hard and I had people against me as well, you are not the only one" He replied. I shut my eyes trying to calm down and I know this isn't good for my blood pressure.

"I'll see you there" I scoffed as I got up from my chair and grabbed my bag and left. I went to Matthew's house since Aaron and I were meeting here. 

"Retiring is getting to you?" Matthew asked as he hands me a water

"No, Stefan" I replied

"What happened now? I thought you guys were on good terms" He asked sitting next to me

"I don't know, we got into an argument about how everyone will believe him over me when it comes to this line of work and how I work twice as hard but won't be recognized" I replied

"You know this will happen no matter what. Society has made it where men will be superior and there hard work is more important than women's even if women's is more extraordinary. People will always see Stefan's ruling was better than you because how much he ruled and what he did. No one expected a woman like you to rule and you know how traditional this mafia is but you changed that. You changed it for the better and I hope Samantha can also so people can see women are better" He explained making me feel better

"What about women being better?" Lucy walked into the family room with their daughter Gemma on her hip

"I was explaining how hopefully as Samantha takes over, people will realize women are better" He replied

"Did you hear that Gemma, daddy said we are better and we will always be better than him.. Daddy is gonna do anything for us" Lucy cheered as Gemma started laughing

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