Chapter 33-the vows

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Christmas was amazing and today was the day Stefan and I are going to renew our vows. The backyard was transformed into a beautiful spot for it to happen. I bought a white dress that Vera Wang designed for me to wear today.

"Hey, I'm here to help you get ready" Jenna announced as she enters the bedroom.

"Thanks" I replied giving her a hug. I grabbed my vows and started reading them again to make it perfect. Jenna helps me get ready as I read her my vows

"Are you crying?" I asked looking at her through the mirror

"No, allergies" she lied shaking her head

"Liar, I can't believe this made you cry" I said in shock

"Shut up, before I mess up your makeup" she warned. She continued to do my hair as I continue to make fun of her for it.

Stefan's p.o.v

Today I'm renewing the vows to the love of my life. Ever since I left her I regretted everything that has happened. I caused her so much pain and I wish I could have taken that away. I have missed out in my kids life, watching Lexie get pregnant and not being there. She has told me the ups and downs of it and wishing I was there. Hopefully in her eyes I made it up, it seems like I have seeing she wants to renew our vows

"Man you alright?" Matthew asked me. I look in the mirror to see I look pale

"What if I fuck up again, I can't do that to her. I already hurt her before and I can't do it again. I don't want to do it again and I can't lose her" I blabbed not being able to control what I am saying

"You are not going to fuck this up again, there is nothing in your life that will make it. You guys retired and are going to enjoy life together. You love her and if you try to fuck it up, you will have me on your ass and straighten you up and make you realize what you are doing" Matthew replied, calming me down.  I do really love lexie, she is the only one in my life that will make me feel like myself.

"I love her so much, you don't understand what this girl makes me do" I chuckled through the breaths I let out. 

"Oh I do, I've never seen you like this" he replied with concern lacing his tone

"Ever since I left her that time, I realized how much I needed her. Everyday on that island, I would push myself just to live just for Lexie, the possible chance of seeing her. I was at my lowest point there but I had to remind myself who I was fighting for. I fought with my dad to my breaking point just to see Lexie again. I failed her and I will forever hate myself for that" I have never told anyone about that, not even lexie. She knew I fought because of the journal but I never said it out loud to anyone.

"You did not fail her, she knows how manipulative your father was. You trusted him and he betrayed but that isn't your fault. Lexie knows what happens and you can't keep blaming yourself. You have to remember that now you are going to start the journey again with the love of your life. She let you come back into her life and you have proven to her that you are here to stay for good. No more running, no more hiding, you two can finally have the life you deserve. You have both been through so much and now you finally get the chance to be together without anything getting in the way. Enjoy that Stefan because you deserve it after everything that has happened" I listened to every word Matthew said, making me even more emotional. I could feel the tears trying to fall out but I push it back. Matthew was right, I finally get the ending I want with Lexie, nothing can get in our way anymore. I gave Matthew a hug, thanking him for his advice. I have the best friend in the whole world

"Everyone is waiting in their seat" Aaron said signaling us that is it time. Lexie and I were going to walk down the aisle together and just read our vows. We weren't going to have any bridesmaid or groomsmen. We were just going to have it simple and intimate. 

"Let's do this" I replied exiting the room. We went down the stairs and I saw cherie standing there with Jenna.

"Cherie" I said making her turn around to see me. I could see her eyes light up seeing me descend the stairs. As I reach the last step, lexie comes up to me as I walk faster to her to give her a kiss

"You look beautiful" I said taking in everything.

"And you look handsome" she replied fixing my suits collar.

"Ok, let's do this" Jenna clapped breaking our little moment, we both turn around to flip off Jenna. 

"Come on lovebirds, you can do this afterwards" she pushed us towards the door. Jenna, Aaron and Matthew all went to their seats, and the music started playing signaling for us to go. Our entrance song was the orchestra version of sign of the times by harry styles. 

As we get to the end, standing across from each other, matthew starts talking. "We are gathered here today to witness two soulmates renewing their vows." I was going first to say it then Stefan.

"Stefan, we have been through a lot in the past couple of years. It has not been easy to say the least but in the end we pushed it. I thought I would never see you again and here we are today. You are my soulmate and when you were gone it felt like a piece of me was gone too. I made myself busy just to try to filled that emptiness but I wasn't able to because in the end only you could fill it up again. You are my mon amour and although you have hurt me, I have learned to forgive because you are the one for me no matter what. You have missed out on a lot but you have made it up and it feels like you have never left. Seeing you in that club when I was modeling made me realize we both met in uncertain times but made the best of it. You were there for me when no one could be, and I am grateful for that. When you came back, it was bittersweet moment because my brain was telling me something different from my heart but I listened to my heart and now we are here. I love you so much mon amour and nothing will get in our way anymore." Lexie said as tears are pouring from both of us. 

"Cherie, the day I was force to leave you was the worst day of my life. I never wanted to and everyday I regret it and wish I could go back in time to make sure I stayed. You have been there by my side and have had to endure everything, you are such a strong woman that I love. Everyday my love for you gets stronger and stronger and for the family. You saved me when I was at my lowest point and made me strong. I will forever cherish you and want to be there with you forever. I promise you that I will do that and nothing will stop me. The time I was gone for I prayed everyday that a miracle would happen and it did, when you found me. You saved me from hell and I know it was hell for you but we pushed that. We have gone through so much and still come out on the top together. I will be there for you for the rest of my life and hold your hand till the end. The day I laid eyes on you I knew I had to get to know you, we were both a bit drunk but the conversation we had led to where we are today. I love you cherie and I will never leave your side, we will finish till the end together no matter what." I cried reading my vows to her. 

"Those were wonderful vows, definitely made everyone cry in the audience" Matthew said making me turn to see almost everyone was crying, even the twins. "You may now kiss" he said. I gently cupped her face and kissed her.

Lexie's p.o.v

The reception was lovely, we all parties, had amazing food and danced like the night was young. I was with the people I love, people I will cherish and has helped me through this. My haunting past may have caught up to me but my new future with my family will make those nightmares disappear. I have everything I need and have fulfilled my dreams that I have dreamt of. I am at peace with my life and in a great placed filled with happiness and love.


Wow, this series is finally done. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me till the end, I know it's been very long. I would like to thank everyone who has read my books, I never expected to have this type of series and how many books it has. It has been a wild ride, filled with days where I want to stop writing this book forever but I couldn't do that to my loyal fans. I know some people will say this ending was rushed but this series has gone on for far too long. I hope you guys enjoy my other books, there is a chance of a new series which will be a brother-sister book because I enjoy writing those. 

I love you all, and thank you so much!

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