<3 "Thank You"

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Heyoooo- so this is a pregame au. And a slight warning.
This chapter includes:
⛔️Suicidal Thoughts⛔️
If these things trigger you please leave. Thank you! And have a great day!
Kokichi POV
I was walking to history class. This was one of my passing periods where I had a good 15 minutes to spare and do whatever really.

I don't really have many friends... so normally I tried to show up to class as soon as possible. I had already stopped by my locker and was walking through the gigantic building.

Me and Maki had to be on opposite sides of the building at this time, so unfortunately I was trapped walking alone.

I was walking down the stairs down to the first floor, when chilling on a little platform in the middle of the stairs was of course... Kaede, Kaito and Miu....

Miu was alright I guess, we never talked much. But Kaede and Kaito were jerks. Normally I'd try to avoid them, but the only other staircase is on the other side of the building. And I cant afford to be late to class again.

So I tried to ignore them and make it to class peacefully. I had walked by them.

Then all of a sudden, without warning. I felt 1 hand shove my head. Tumbling down the few steps left. Knocking my books out of my hands, and forming scratches of my hands, and Im pretty positive Im going to have a good bruise on my knee for the next week...

I didn't hear anything... but im positive behind me the group was laughing. All I could hear were the following phrases. Over and over.

"You deserved it"
"Why do you let them treat you like that?"
"Speak up will you!!"
"Come on Ouma!"
"Make them p-"

The last phrase was cut off. I couldn't see behind me, since I was picking up my books. But a shadow was standing over me.

Then all of a sudden I could hear again.

"Really Kaito!? Grow the hell up!" I could hear and angry voice shout, most likely coming from   the person whose shadow was above me. I turned around after picking up my books.

And saw... what was his name? Shuichi? He was wearing a hat, and had a dark teal tone to his hair.

"Man Shuichi, such a joy killlll" I could hear Kaede begin. She then finished with. "Cmon Kaito, let's leave these 2 nerds."

I then heard footsteps, and of course Miu had to scream. "H-Hey! Wait for me!!!"

I just sat in shock. Normally the only person that would ever help me against those jerks was Maki... now someone I've never even talked too was... defending me?

Shuichi then turned around and offered a hand to help me up. "Kokichi right? Are you okay?" Without think I quickly stood up and ran off. Leaving a puzzled Shuichi.
It was lunch time now. I was sitting down, eating and writing in my journal. Since my therapist had recommended it. I couldn't stop thinking about the event earlier however.

I feel guilty for some reason. Since I never actually thanked Shuichi for helping me...

So I ripped out a piece of notebook paper and decided to write a letter. Took me a few tries, but I finally came up with one I was satisfied with.

 Took me a few tries, but I finally came up with one I was satisfied with

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(A/N: ignore my awful handwriting-)

I sighed then went to the locker area, checking the clipboard to find his locker.

Whenever I found it I slipped the note through the hole and ran off second guessing myself afterwards. Should I really do this? What if he thinks I'm weird? Damnit!
School had just ended. And I was just nervously standing beside the gate. Watching everyone smile... run home... laugh...

My thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping me on the shoulder. I yelped then jumped forwards at the sudden touch.

"Oh! Sorry Kokichi! I-I didn't mean to frighten you!" A somewhat familiar voice said. I sighed in relief and smiled turning around.

"It's fine! I should be apologizing for running off like that..!" I said rubbing the back of my head. I could now see him from a closer viewpoint. I stared for a good few seconds before looking away deciding it was a bit creepy...

"Don't worry about it, you said you don't normally receive assistance from others... so I guess it makes sense why you ran off" I just slightly nodded in response and we stayed in silence for a small bit.

"So uhm... you wanna head to get some boba?" He finally asked I eagerly nodded and rans ahead hearing him chase after me and call me name, all the while I was giggling.

Maybe I found someone else who I can trust...

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