Chapter two Class

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We were watching romeo and juliet i sigh and look around the room to see that the teacher was mouthing the words i hear eric sniffle “ to be honest sherlock i hate being celebrated “ i say i see sherlock look at me “ there are worse tragedies my dear look at romeo he killed his true love out of sheer stupidity “ he says i nod my head getting where he was coming from “ yes you are right on that “ i say to him i hear him softly chuckle “ but i do envy him one thing “ he says i look at the tv “ juliet is perfect if you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing “ i say to him while motioning to the tv he scoffed “ no not the girl for i have you my darling i was talking about the suicide it’s nearly impossible for.....for some people but for humans a little poison a dagger to the heart there’s so many different options “ he says i look at him “ why would you ever say that “ i say softly to him he looked at me “ because i had to consider it twice the first one was when joan died and the second was i didn’t know if i’d get to you in time even if i’m extremely fast i had to come up with some kind of….plan “ he says i make a confused face “ what was the plan “ i asked showing my confusion “ go to italy and provoke the volturi “ he says i turn fully to him with a um say that again face “ the what “ i say he looked at the screen then to me “ the volturi “ he says again i hear the teacher stoping the tv “ now who’d like to repeat the last few lines of iambic pentameter just to show us that they were paying attention and not talking to their neighbour........Ms Swan “ he says i give him a slight glare but nod my head i see everyone turn their heads to me i hear sherlock inhale deeply probably reading something off of him that’s gross “ fine Mr berty if you want me to “ i say sarcastically but he seemed to not hear it and nodded his head “ ‘oh here…will i set up my everlasting rest and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh eyes look your last arms take your last embrace and lips o you the doors of death seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death ‘ “ i say and watch as mr berty looked slightly shocked he nodded his head “ eyes on the screen people and ms swan see me after class “ he says the last part while looking at me with a smile i look at him weirded out “ yeah i don’t need to be you to know that i’m not going to stay here “ i say softly to sherlock he nodded his head i didn’t pay attention to the movie only paying  attention to sherlock once the bell rang sherlock grabbed my wrist and we fastly walked out lucky it was the  last class of the day so that was good “ i swear every teacher needs to keep it in their pants “ sherlock growled i nodded my head i see everyone look at us “ what do you mean “ emmett says confused and i told him everything he looked downright disgusted and angry after everything sherlock drops me off at home and i ran to my room and open the present i gasp out a laugh oh it was beautiful it was a light red dress that went slightly past my knees I put it on and spin around

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