Chapter eleven The volturi

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I clung to edward in fear we were walking for sometime “ don’t be scared “ edward says to me softly “ are you “ i ask back he looks at me “no “ he says jane scoffs we ended up in a elevator i get in first and then everyone else me and alice looked at eachother once we were done i moved to alice holding her hand “ everything will be fine “ she says as if she knows it.i nod my head believing it alice puts me behind her and jane opens the door “ sister we seny you out to get one and you bring two and a half “ someone says i turn my head to them “ such a clever girl “ he says as well i could hear a smirk on his face “ what a happy surprise eleanor is alive after all isn’t that just wonderful “ he says while walking to us then he looks at me in awe “ and looking more beautiful than ever my my if i weren’t as old as i am i would’ve thought you were a hungry vampire and I would've happily gave you a meal “ he even sounds like it he gets in front of edward and grabs his hand i look at him confused then to edward “ doppelgangers are so rare i’ve only seen one in my life span yet here’s a nother far more beautiful than her “ aro says i look at edward confused “ aro can read every thought i’ve ever had with one touch “ he says to me i see aro looking at me confused yet with curiosity “ and now you know everything so get on with it “ he finshish to aro with a slight growl while aro softly chuckles “ you are quite a soul reader yourself edward though…you can’t read eleanora or her sister’s thoughts “ he says while looking at me “ fascinating “ he says then backs away “ i would love to see if…you're an exception to my gifts as well “ he says as he takes out his hand “ would you do me the honor “ he says softly i nod my head and walk to him feeling every step i take my hair bounces i put my hand in his and he pulled me closer he close his eyes then his face goes to aw i look at him my dark brown eyes meeting red eyes “ interesting “ he chuckles softly i look at him curiously “ i see nothing at all “ he plays with my hand for a bit then lets go of it i feel edward pull me to him I look at him “ i wonder if…let us see if she is immune to all of our powers “ he says excitedly he then looked at jane “ shall we jane “ he says she looks at him then to me edward gets in front of me growling no “ pain “ she says then he fell to the ground grunting in pain “ jane “ alice says fastly she stops and looks at alice in shock and confused “ how did “ she whispers she then looked at me “ this may hurt just a little “ jane says i nod my head ready for it then i felt nothing i make a confused face and look at jane then i hear aro laughing “ remarkable she’s confounds us all so what do we do with you now “ he says the last thing in thought with a head tilt “ you already know what you’re going to do aro “ the one on the left says softly i look at him as he looked at me i waved my hand saying hi he nods back with a soft smile “ she knows too much she’s a liability not to mention she’s a doppelganger “ the one on the right says i look at him aro sighs “ that’s true felix “ as soon as those words left his mouth Edward looked at. Me then i felt something go past me so i turn around scared “ no “ edward scream then i was flipped back by him i look at aro as he looks at me i hear a loud crack i fastly turn my head away from him to see edward and felix fighting i see alice try and help but she was stopped i look at her feeling something come to the surface each second edward was loosing when felix slammed him into the marble i hear more crakes to see his skin was Felix turned to me and i stare back in fear  i then see edward push him away from me but he’s thrown around and someone punches him that's when i felt something around my hands i move my hands to alice and edward “ enough stop hurting him please “ i say while breathing heavily “ just kill me “ i say and hear people gasp shocked i looked at them confused then i see jane motiong to her hands i then see red swirling around edward and alice edward was looking at me in pure shock while alice was looking at me in pride “ holly crap it’s yo...“ she says happily before she puts her hands on her mouth figuring out she said it out loud i see aro look at her interested then he looked at me in awe “ dear put them down none of us is going to hurt them alright “ he says softly like a father trying to calm down his child i inhale deeply and close my eyes and trying to calm my mind “ okay one two three four “ i say while moving my arms down i fall slightly i feel arms around me “ sh sh i got you “ i hear alice say i lean into her and look to her “ i won’t have you killed but i would like to see what you were talking about alice “ he asked curiously while walking to us i watch him take her hand “ the scarlet witch “ he says in shock i look at alice confused while she looked at me “ oh my dear sweet Elena you would make for a beautiful immortal “ he says while looking at me i look at alice while she never left my eyes i look at her “ alright now go my friends “ Aro says and alice wrap her hand around my waist and we began to walk away

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