Chapter three Party

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I was looking at the painting that was in the hallway " the volturi are very old very powerful family i guess they're the closest thing to royalty my world has " sherlock says i look at him then i see carlisle in the back i arch a bro and point at the painting " is that carlisle " i say while looking at him then I pointed to him to the painting he nodded his head " yeah he lived with them for a few decades he described them as very refined no respect for human life of course but respect for the art's and the science at least and the law above all the laws " he says i look at him confused " vampires have laws " i say while looking at the panting then back to him " not very many and only one that's regularly enforced " he says while looking down to  me i turn my body fully to him " what is it " i say curious wanting to know more about this " it's rather obvious it's to keep our existence of our kind a secret we don't make spectacles of ourselves and we don't kill conspicuously unless you want to die that is " he says my heart sank i shook my head fastly you have got to stop talking about that i can't even think...about someone hurting you sherlock " i say while looking back to the painting then to sherlock " Elena...the only thing that can hurt me is you " he says softly i look up at him "and i don't have anything else to be afraid of " he says i roll my eyes " that's not true " i say going into memory of them killing james then victoria watching in the background with dangerous murderous red eyes "victoria she'll come for me one day and alice will see when she decides and...and we'll be ready " he says i nod my head " it still worries me that she is out there though just waiting for the right moment when i can't protect you " i say while shaking my head with a sigh " Elena you are already protecting me you're my only reason to still be alive but it is my job to protect you from everyone beside alice " he says while looking away i smile at him i hear someone happily skipping to us I laugh already knowing who " it's time it's time " she says while grabbing our hands we walk to the stairwell and i see everyone bella edward jasper rosalie emmett esme carlisle they were all smiling at us i smile back we walk down the stairs carlisle went to me first happily he helped me down the last step " sorry about all of this we tried to rien alice in " he says I look up to him with a smile emmett rolled his eyes " if you can call it that " he says i shake my head and laugh " it's perfect guys " i say while looking around with a awestruck face alice smiled and clapped her hands everyone looked at her " see i told you guys she is not like bella " she says they all rolled their eyes with smiles esme hugs me and i hug her back " happy birthday ellie " she says we let go and a blinding light hits me i jump i turn to alice to see she had my camera i look at her confused she looked at me sheepishly " i....found it in your bag mind " she asked while moving the camera i shook my head no " not at all alice go all out " i say with a smile she smiles back " how does it feel to be dating someone that is hotter than you " emmett says cockly i roll my eyes but had a smile on my face sherlock sighs in a seriously kind of way which made me laugh " you first rosalie " alice says while clapping her hands rose walked to me and handed me the present i opened it and it was a journal i smile at her and she smiled back to me i see alice basically drag sherlock to right beside me i look at him with a smile and showed him what roselie got me he just shook his head with a smile " show me the undying love you two " she says i felt sherlock's hand pull me in i look at him with a loving smile then the flash came i watch as alice looked at the camera and nodded satisfied with the pitcher she then set the camera down and skipped to a small present and walked to me " this one's from emmett " she says while handing it to me with a smile i smile back to her and open it to see it was a pen i smile at look at him " it went with rosile's " he says with a smile i nod my head " now you open carlisle's " alice says while handing me a box with wrapping paper " just a little something to brighten your day my dear you've been a little pale lately " he says i look at him with a smile and he smiled back " hey i'll open it " bella said i nodded my head and gave the box to her while she fiddled with it and managed to cut her finger my heart dropped " ow....paper cut " she says as she covers up the cut but before she did it a few drops of blood came dripping out i watch as edward looks at jasper and everything went fast me pushing bella out of the way to edward pushing me to the other side of the room and me hitting the table with glass vases i see sherlock went in front of me i see esme in the corner protecting bella they must be the only two that notice what i had done because Esme was looking at me is slight shock i see bella looking at me in worry i sit up to look at the damage and i saw it was bleeding badly " jaz jaz shh shh it's okay it's just a little.......blood " alice says confused she turned around and looked to bella jasper seemed to calm down esme looked saddened carlisle was by my side in seconds i jump shocked he softly cooed me i look at him i watch as everyone else but edward sherlock and carlisle leave I look at sherlock as he only looked at me in sadness i turn my head to Carlisle and look at his hand to see my blood on it i cringed at it he picks me up and takes me to his office to patch me up he sat me down at his desk and got all the ingredients " i never really wanted to have a party just in case this happened but i still had fun " i say softly i see a smile form on his lips i see sherlock walk in " i got it from here carlisle " he says carlisle looked up and nodded his head and walked out i look down softly as he starts taking out the glass i sigh softly " it feels like it's my fault if i didn't hand it to bella none of this would be happening " i say with a head shake he looked at me " it's not your fault my dear " he says as he gets another big piece of glass out i hear the tweezers make contact with the glass bowl i hear a click when the glass hits the bowl i look at it " jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us so bella's blood hit him like a train and his vampire side came out " he says softly i look up to him confused " how do you do it sherlock how can you stand to be near me while i'm bleeding i mean i understand why carlisle can but not you " i say with a head shake i see him smile and looked at me for a split second " years and years of practice " he answered me i gaze at him i felt him stuck a needle into my skin probably some numbing i squeeze his side with a grunt " did you ever think of what you would've been if you never met carlisle" i asked curiously he looked at me for a second " i couldn't have been with Joan because it will rise to suspicious so i would have to pick a person that was so much in love with me it was honestly pathetic " he says with a eye roll i look at him shocked i never expected that answer out of him he looked at me with an arched brow " i use to be a sociopath well not really it's complicated " he says i arch a brow at him and he chuckled and went back to my arm getting some more and then began to stick it up " this life brings me happiness even if i am damned regardless " he says i look at him as he finishes the last of the sticked and give him a look " dammed like...what hell " i asked slightly shocked that he'll think that he looked at me and i softly scoffed " sherlock you couldn't be damned you couldn't it's impossible " i say with another scoff i look into his gorgeous eyes " thank you my dear elena you've always been very gracious about us " he says with a smile i look down with a sigh " is that why edward won't change bella " i asked curiously he looked at me " imagine the situation in reverse hmm " he says as he touches my chin softly and then rubbed my cheek " if you believe as edward does " he says as he sets a stick on fire " could bella take away his soul " he says then he drops it into the bowl and i watch as the flames got slightly bigger i sigh and look at him " I don't know to be honest with you half of me says she would if it meant that he gets to spend the rest of her life with him and the other half of me wants to say no she wouldn't do that to him " i say he looked at me and nodded his head he grabbed a bandage and began to wrap my arm " Sherlock " i say he hummed letting me know that he was listening " you were the only few who notice that it was me who Edward threw were you paying attention to me " i asked him curiously he smiled at that and nodded his head " very good observation my dear and yes I wouldn't have done anything if bella got pushed but it was you so " he says with a shrug it made me blush slightly " geez you know how to make a girl blush" i say with a laugh he smiled at me

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