Chapter ten Saving edward

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I walk back down the stairs to hear alice giving bella a leacher on how stupid she is she then looks at me and nods in a  approving way then she asked bella what that wet dog smell is and i walked to the kitchen i hear the phone go off so I turn m...

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I walk back down the stairs to hear alice giving bella a leacher on how stupid she is she then looks at me and nods in a  approving way then she asked bella what that wet dog smell is and i walked to the kitchen i hear the phone go off so I turn my head to see jacob walking to it he looked at me then did a double take i walk next to Alice we are now the same hight i watch her eyes go cloudy for a second i hug her “ edward “ she whispers then we both walk to the kitchen “ bella it’s edward he thinks Elena died saving you Rosalie told him why i came here he wasn't sure but with the call “ she says i look at jake with hurt  “ why would yo- “ i whisper softly so i won’t anger him more but bella wasn’t having it she didn't care what he could do " why didn’t you let me speak to him “ she screams at him angerly i get in between them i put my hand on jakes chest “ he didn’t ask for you bella “ he scream more angry I look at Bella then to Jake “ i don’t care “ she screams back just as much fury if not more “ flower please take your beautiful hand off of me i don’t want to hurt it “ he says softly i do alice grabs me away from him I see she gave him a look  I watch him stiffen as if he was about to attack "bella Elena  he’s going to the volturi he wants to die to because of you " she says while looking at me my heart beat quekens and the look of horror goes to my face alice grabs me before jake can i was in the passenger seat i see bella and jacob talking then she gets into the back i look at him “ please bella…stay here i understand why my flower’s doing this because she doesnt want someone to die for her sake but not you “ he says while looking at me then to bella “ for charlie….for me “ he whispers i look at him in pity “ i have to go i won’t leave my sister and you know that where she goes i go “ she says to him softly but slight bit of anger after she said no he left and we were off we went to italy then alice stole a car and began driving way above the speed limit i’m currently holding onto the oh shit handle like it’s my life force “ alice you saw something “ i say she looked even more scared “ they refused him “ she says shocked i look at her “ so “ me and bella say she looks at us “ he’s gonna make a scene show himself to the humans “ she says i gasp in horror my heart goes faster “ no when “ i scream she flinches at how loud i scream “ ow but he’s gonna wait until noon when the sun’s at its highest “ she says then she gasp in horror she must've saw him get killed my eyes widen “ go faster please i don’t want him to kill himself because he thinks i’m dead why me I'm not..not his mate i’m not bella Alice I would understand her but “ i say while hitting my hand on the dashboard a few times “ he cares for you deeply like a sister you remind him of his younger sister you are literally the spitting image of her when you were younger so he thinks that if she would’ve made it she would look like you “ she says to me i look at her in shock " and there's volturi “ she says while looking at a really big castle alice was speeding through the crowds i see all the hoods are red and a sense of deja happened “ why red alice why “ i say frantically while looking at all the people walking in red hoods she looks at me “ san marcos day festival they’re commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city it’s the perfect setting “ she answers me my breathing fasten “ the volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself “ she says i look at the time to see only five minutes “ we have five minutes “ i say frantically i look around “ you know bella Little one just breathe okay everything is going to be okay " she says then we were stopped so i got out i hear who's she and awes but don’t care already use to it “ alice “ i say frantaccly she looked at me i notice how she locked the car I look at Bella and then you her confused “ why can’t i come to “ bella says frantically Alice turns you her “ he can smell you he’ll think that your trying to stop him from killing himself and he is going to go faster Elenor you’re the only one he can’t see coming if i go he’ll read my mind and think i’m lying he’ll rush into it to “ she says my heartbeat quickens and i just nod my head “ where do i go “ with a nod i say paniaking even more “ he’ll be under the clock tower go go go “ she says i close the door and run i stop and look around and run again i run up stairs and a hill not caring that my lungs desperately needed air i then see more stairs and ran up i get to the opening and push people out of my way i jump over a coin fountain  and jump in it i look around to see it had struck twelve then i hear the bell i see edward he look terrible ‘ my death caused him this,this much pain ‘ i think frantically and i ran to him and tackled him in a hug to try and put as much of his skin in some kind of shade “ don’t “ i scream frantically he hugged me back so tenderly “ heaven “ he says happily and smells my hair ‘ he thinks he’s dead and in his heaven he really does think I'm his sister ' I think sadly “ you have to move edward “ i say in fear i see his eyes were close “ open your eyes edward look at me it’s me it’s Ellie i’m alive i’m not dead you have to move now “ i say while softly hitting his chest he finally did and pure awe came to it “ Eleanor “ he whispers and we get into the dark place i hug him tighter “ you’re here “ he says shocked as he can’t believe it “ yeah edward i’m not dead i’m alive i’m breathing and I'm not in the water “ i say panting i inhale deeply he laughs happily “ you’re alive “ he says with a smile i nodded my head “ i’m alive “ i say happily with a smile“ i needed to make you see me once so you would’nt kill yourself out of guilt for me saving bella you had to know i was alive I wouldn't live with myself if you had died because of me “ i say sadly he looked down at me and softly grabbed a peace of my hair and twirled around “ i never acted out of guilt i just coudn’t live in a world where one of my favorite sister don’t exist “ he says back sadly i look up to him seeing his golden eyes “ you changed your hair it's much darker “ he says i nodded my head “ yeah “ i say he hugged me this time probably making sure i’m not dead he turns his head so i turn mine to see two people walk to us he puts me behind him “ i won't be needing your services after all gentleman “ edward says as he softly pushes me to the door i began to walk to it “ aro wants to speak with you again “ the taller one said i look at him as he looks at me in awe ‘ how ironic a vampire looking at a meer human in awe ‘ i think with a eye roll “ no rules were broken “ edward answers with a nod “ nonetheless we should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue “ the shorter one said i look at him “ fine…eleanor  why don’t you go enjoy the rest of the festival “ edward says i was about to walk again “ the doppelganger comes with us “ one says i turn my head confused “ no you can go to hell “ edward says protectively not hearing the word doppelganger i hear the door forcefully being opened i turn my head to see alice where's bella i think in fear “ come on guys it’s a festival you wouldn’t want to make a scene “ alice says as she walks next to edward” we wouldn’t “ one of them says then i hear hills clicking the ground “ enough “ a woman says as she made her presence known “ jane “ edward says i look at him then to alice confused “ aro sent me to see what was taking so long “ jane says as she looks at each of the other two she then turned around and began walking the other two males follower her so then we had to

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