chapter one dream

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These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die like fire and ice which as they kiss consume what they touch it turns into something far more beautiful far more deadly than when They're separated

I see myself running with bella for some odd reason Panic consumed me as well as the need to run faster past the crowd of people with red cloaks i was pushing them out of my way we needed to get to somewhere and fast but somehow we ended up in the woods “ come on “ i hear bella say we were in the middle of the meadow i look around and see one elderly women i look at her in shock it was gran “ gran “ bella says shocked and happy they both wave at each other i look a myself to see that i was watching everything i see myself look at bella then to gran with a confused face “ bella are you sure that’s gran “ i could hear myself ask bella turned to me and nodded her head “ yeah Ellie it has to be her “ she says with a nod we all turn our heads to see edward walking up “ edward don’t she’ll see you “ bella says frantically he walks to us anyway seeing his skin glow like diamonds when the light hits I sigh with a head shake then edward grabs bella’s hand while bella grabs my hand we look at each other “ okay “ bella says to herself we get to gran “ gran i’d like you to meet- “ bella says i notice that she was doing everything bella was doing then that's when I realized that Bella was the old lady

Then i hear the door open snapping me out of my dream i gasped awake and hear my door open i look up to see dad with presents “ Happy birthday “ he says then dances to me i laugh and sit up today is september 17 i am 18 now “ thanks dad so my deduction is that the camera is your present and the wrapped one is mom and the one in the topaze wrapping is bella’s favorite color “ i say with a smile he nodded his head with a smile “ yup here “ he says while handing them to me i unwrap the two that are wrapped to see that mom got me a scrap book and bella got me a red ring i smile and put it on so what’s with the camera then I began thinking “ scrapbook let me guess mom “ i say with a head shake “ as usual you are correct she coordinated me it’s to put your pitchers in from senior year “ he says i smile and look to see how many pages there are he sighs deeply “ senior year how’d you get so old so fast “ he says i look up to him with a confused face “ i didn’t it’s not that old “ i say with a shirt he gives me a look “ i don’t know is that a grey hair “ he says while touching one my hair i give him a slight glare “ haha very funny dad i’m not going to fall for that “ i say sarcastically he smiles and puts his hands up “ bella did “ he says which caused me to roll my eyes he walks out i get up and get dressed into a red skirt to match the ring i walk down with a hum i see bella and hug her “ hey thanks for the gift bell’s “ i say she turned her head and smiled “ no problem now come on let’s go to school “ she says and we walked to the truck and get in she started it and we were off bella pulls up in our usual parking space i get out and wait for sherlock after some time i see him and smile i hide in front of the truck and smile “ so who are we hiding from “ sherlock says i do a yelp and turn my head i laugh and grab his hand “ well the person i was hiding from has already found me “ i say he smirked and bend down to kiss my head “ how and happy birthday “ he says with a dashing smile as usual i smile up “ i was hiding from you “ i say with a chuckle he smiled and i smiled back at him “ hm 18 i can’t believe it i’m an adult i can do adult things like buy ice cream “ i say sherlock laughed and shook his head with a confused look “ Elena i will never understand how your brain works “ he says with a eyes roll i smile at him “ well i’m 18 i’m catching up to you “ i say with a smile he shook his head no “ Not even close my dear i’m 135 “ he says my mouth hung slightly open and i scoff a laugh “wow…maybe i shouldn’t be dating such an old man “ i say with a joking smile he hummed “ it’s gross…i should be thoroughly repulsed “ i joke he nodded his head and we began to kiss we stopped so i can breath “ come on my love we have to get to class “ he says while looking at me as i look at him i nod my head “ okay “ i say and began walking “ wait a second “ he says i turn my head to him and stopped walking “ someone wants to see you “ sherlock said i turn my body fully to him confused i see it was jacob i smile “ hey ellie “ he says i look at sherlock with a smile “ i’ll leave you to talk “ he says before he walks a bit i see jacob walking to me i smile “ well hello biceps you know anabolic steroids are like seriously bad for you “ i say while pointing at him he laughs “ well i’m just filling out ellie…you know it wouldn’t seem so drastic if we hung out more like me and bell’s do “ he says i nod my head and licked my lips  “ well maybe you should switch schools you can come hang out with the palefaces “ i say with a nod while motioning to the school “ yeah no i’m alright i prefer the rez school’s exclusivity..they let any old riff-raff into this place “ jacob says i nod my head saying a sarcastic i see “ then why are you slumming it “ i say faking confusion he smiled wider “ i was just buying a part for the rabbit you should definitely come take a ride when it’s done and maybe bella could come to “ he says i nod my head debating it “ well how fast is it “ i joke with him he nodded his head “ um….it’s decent it’s not slow but not fast “ he says i nod my head with a laugh “ hey happy birthday elena “ he says i give him a confused face ' how did he know ' I think while making a even more confused face “ your dad told my dad so…..” he said clearly seeing my confused face i nodded my head “ yeah that sound like him “ i say with a sigh he took something out of his pocket “ i saw this the other day and said yeah this has elena written all over it “ he says and hands me the little box with angel wrapping paper i open it and i softly gasped “ how did you know this was the necklace i’ve wanted “ i say shocked
he looked slightly shocked as well “ wh..what seriously “ he said i nodded my head and grabbed my phone and go to my saved pictures

I laughed “ i saw it on the web and i’ve been saving up to get one “ i say and showed him he laughed “ well i guess i was right when i said it was you written all over it it really did “ he says i nodded my head “ well thank you for buying somethi...

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I laughed “ i saw it on the web and i’ve been saving up to get one “ i say and showed him he laughed “ well i guess i was right when i said it was you written all over it it really did “ he says i nodded my head “ well thank you for buying something so i didn’t have to “ i joke which caused us both to laugh “ no problem um..” he says then looked at sherlock “ good seeing ya ellie “ he says i nod my head “ yeah “ i say and we hugged we let go and i walked to sherlock and we both walked inside “ so how come jacob black gets to give you a gift and i don’t oh and he asked charlie what you’ve been seriously wanted “ he says the last part with a huff i giggle and wrap my arm around his “ i never said you couldn’t sherlock give me a present’s “ i say with a huge grin and kiss his cheek  “ elena “ i hear alice say i smile wide “ happy birthday “ she said excitedly i laugh while we hugged “ thank you “ i say with a huge smile jasper walked up and gave me a hug i hug him back “ happy birthday elena “ he says i smile wide at them i hear the bell ring and she handed me a present i smile and gladly take it “ why thank you alice “ i say while handing it to sherlock he grabbed it without a second thought “ i’ve already seen you open it and guess what you will love it “ she says we both laugh and she softly grabbed my arms with a jump “ you’re gonna wear it tonight our place “ she says i nodded my head happily excited about this she smiled even wider “ great i’ll see you at seven “ she said while clapping her hands i give jasper a seriously look “ jasper no fair with the mood control thing i was already going to say yes “ i say with my hands in the air the three vampires laughed at me “ sorry ellie see you in art “ he said before they walk off i shook my head with a smile “ can’t trust vampire’s “ sherlock says as we began walking “ trust me “ he says i look up at him and nod my head “ yes my dear i’ll trust you “ i say which earned a chuckle from him

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