chapter twelve reunion

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I was having a nightmare i felt a hand softly touch my face I opened my eyes to see it was just sherlock my eyes widened “ sherlock “ i shriek happily and hold onto him “ i’m here go back to sleep “ he says i nodded my head and close my eyes i felt him get into the bed with me i turn my head and open my eyes “ teach me sherlock “ i say and i move closer to him ‘dad knows why i did it but he didn’t know why bella did it so she’s grounded for life’ i think with a sigh i look into sherlock’s beautiful eyes getting lost into them “ i missed you so much “ he whispers to me his deep voice sent shivers down my spine “ sherlock i want you to be the one to turn me “ i say he looked at me and nodded his head “ i already asked the rest and they all said yeah “ i told him his face showed shock “ even Rosalie “ he says i nod my head with a chuckle “ yeah she was the one that said it would be a good idea “ i say he sat up with a smile “ she straight up told bella to fuck off but she said yes to you “ he said with a head shake i chuckle “ sherlock i’m not even human i’m a doppelganger whatever that is and then i have these powers “ i say while looking at my hands he smiles “ i know i felt it as soon as i saw you power basically radiates from you “ he says i happily get up and walk to my window “ i want it to be after i graduate “ i say with a firm nod i hear a whoosh to see that he was right behind me and nodded his head “ of course “ he says i smile and look at him through the window with a smile “ i don’t like your friend jacob “ he said I sigh while turning to him “ i know you don't “ i say and turn around and hug him he smiled and pulled me in closer " yeah he is a horny teenager " he huffs out I laugh we look at each other and kiss

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