Chapter five heart break

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I was at lunch and i turn my head to not see none of the cullens i finally got my truck back “ hey im’a drive alright sis “ i say she turned her head to me and nodded I get in and drive to the house with bella i get out to see sherlock in his norm...

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I was at lunch and i turn my head to not see none of the cullens i finally got my truck back “ hey im’a drive alright sis “ i say she turned her head to me and nodded I get in and drive to the house with bella i get out to see sherlock in his normal suit i smile happily and ran to him “ sherlock you weren’t at school “ i say with a smile he looked at me with a smile and nods his head " come and take a walk with me love “ he says i nod my head and catch up with him telling him what i’ve learned today he stopped which made me stop “ we have to leave forks “ he says softly i nod my head feeling my heart drop “ why “ i say softly he looked at me “ Carlisle is suppose to be ten years older than he looks and people are starting to notice “ he says i put my head down thinking i sigh " okay i…i’ve got to think of something to say to charlie “ i say thinking about all the things that i might have to say then i began to think “ wait when you say ‘we’....”  i say slowly he looked of as if he was about to cry then he looked back to me “ i mean my family and myself “ he says i inhale deeply trying not to cry then it clicked “ sherlock what happened with jasper wasn't no one’s fault “ i say while blinking fast trying so desperately not to cry “ you’re right love it wasn’t no one’s fault nothing but edward expected something to happen with you and nothing compared to what could have happened love no one as angelic as you belongs in a world full of demons “ he says very softly with each word my heart was breaking a little more each time i inhale deeply again “ i belong in your world sherlock I belong with you “ i whisper softly he smiled and nodded his head “ love you don’t “ he says i now was about to cry every breath I took made it much harder to hold in i look away then back to him " my precious elena i don’t want you to come with us in fear of someone hurting you “ he says more of my heart broke i inhaled “ Sherlock can we still talk to each other “ i say out of breath he looked at me sadly that's when i felt a sob nearly come out of me I swallow it down “ we can’t love but i will be watching you “ he says softly i nod my head ‘ at least i know he’s around ‘ i inhale feeling a tear come out “ love if it’s not too much to ask can you promise me something don’t do anything reckless for charlie and bella’s sake and mine “ he says i nod my head he smiles softly “ and i’ll promise something to you in return “ he says i walk closer to him curious as to know what he’s thinking “ we can talk in your dreams so you can still see me or when your thinking about me i’ll be next to you “ he says which brought a smile to my face i happily nodded my head but then remembering this might be the last time i see him face to face i ran to him and hugged him tightly he hugged me. Back "goodbye my love “ he whispers and kisses my forehead i felt him go away so fastly i walk to the tree feeling the tears come out i inhaled deeply i had no idea how long i was crying but the feeling of tiredness came to me I get up but fall back down i whine in pain but i move to the tree i felt my eyes close feeling more tears come to ‘ i’m just like molly hooper hopelessly in love with sherlock holmes but the difference is he is madly in love with me i’m his Joan Watson the one he can never have ‘ i think i hold myself with the long coat he gave me i let myself fall asleep having no idea how long i’ve been asleep but when i came to the feeling of being in someone’s arms woke me up i open my eyes and see sam i lean into him he looked at me and rubbed my back i close my eyes again i hear jacob scream dad's name “ she’s all right have you found bella “ i hear sam say i open my eyes to see dad then the feeling of pain went to my ankle “my ankle hurts i tried to walk back but i tripped “ i whisper softly feeling drained and sad about sherlock “ she’s complying about her ankle she said it's hurt she tried to walk but tripped “ i hear sam says with worry i feel another set of arms take me “ i will look at her ankle thank you sam “ I hear someone say i see harry he looked at me “ it’s going to be okay baby “ dad whispers to me turns out i twisted my ankle badly bella told me how edward didn’t want her anymore she cried on my shoulder and we feel asleep Sherlock was right I did dream about him told him everything that happened and how i tried to walk but hurt myself and what Edward did to Bella
I walk into bella’s room seeing she still looking out the window i pull up a chair and sit next to her and pull her into a hug she happily except it I rub her back soothingly “ how could he do that to me “ she whimpered out i soothe her feeling tears come to my eyes " I have no idea sis "I whisper neither of us knowing that our dad was at the door hearing Bella sobbing
I see her in the chair i got her to eat and bathe she looked at me and i saw no light edward really must've said something bone crushing i grit my teeth ‘ill have to ask what he said because I know she didn't say it all‘ i think
I was in his coat and scarf he gave me and i was making a snowman with dad laughing “ i really hate edward for what he’s done to our bells “ dad says while looking up i turn my head to see she was looking at us i nod my head “ i do to if he ever comes back i’ll give him a piece of my mind i’ll tell you that “ i say with a nod then i made a snow ball and threw it at dad and at the perfect time he turned to me an it hit him in the face ‘ how can ellie be so happy about this ‘ i hear bella’s thought i sigh ‘ cuz sherlock told me they’ll be back ‘ i think to her i see her smile with a nod “ using your twin powers “ charlie asked seeing bella smile for the first time in three months i nod my head “ dad we are not twins “ i say he nodded his head ‘ hey go get a shower you look like you haven’t showered in weeks ‘ i think to her she nodded her head and got up and walked away from the window dad looked up shocked “ i can never understand twin power “ he says i chuckle and roll my eyes i wake up to hear bella screaming i fastly get up and meet dad at the stairs “ i got it dad don't worry  “ i say and run to her room “ sissy sissy hey hey wake up “ i say she gasped awake i got into bed with her she held onto me tightly and cried her heart out as i rubbed her back saying sweet nothings in her ear i look up to see dad the look of pure sadness was in his eyes then hatred for edward ‘ i understand it i mean he said something that made her like this broken ‘ he looked at me i nodded my head and he walked in and laid down to the bad dreams for bella went on for months and i was always there to soothe them they had stopped all together when i started laying with her bella would sit at the cullens table and so she wouldn't be alone i would to i see dad talking to bella i got the end of it “ girls night shopping “ dad said with a counfused face i nodded my head i get into bella’s truck she sighed “ dad told me he wanted me to leave frocks and that you should come to “ i snap my head to her and shake my head “ no “ i say she nodded her head "that's what I said " she says I look out the window and bella started the truck

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