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-"A Widow?"-

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"A Widow?"

Silence was heard at the dead of night, stars twinkling brightly in the sky, the balls of gas pulsating. The moon shone between the leaves of tall trees that loomed over a large mansion. The wind was barley there, the occasional rustling of the brown, torn leaves on the ground.

Behind the house, Nova Black walked over to the wall and pressed her fingers lightly to the bricks. After finding the right one, she pushed down on it and a door opened, sliding to the side. It was quiet, but not silent as the stone moved so she waited to see if someone would come down but no one did.

Music blasted into one of her ears as she crept into the house, her movements silent and unknown. Her suit was tight, curves of her body showing off while her short hair was pushed back, one hand hovering over the knife strapped to the leather of her thigh.

Opening the basement door, she pushed the oak open and closed it behind her without a sound. Walking further into the house, she tried to figure out where everyone was. A noise sounded upstairs followed by a round of joyous laughter. She estimated there was around five people in that room but there was more in the mansion over all.

Strutting up the stairs, Nova made her way to that room but knew she couldn't just walk straight into it. Going into the neighbouring room, she found a small door and it connected with their room. Crouching, she walked into it and no body noticed her entrance.

A bunch of men were sat around a table, drinks in hand and cigarettes laying lit in ash trays as they held cards in the other, playing poker. Deciding to make herself known, Nova stood at full height, gripping her knife and plunging it into the man in front of her neck. A shout of surprise came from the men as they watched her twist the blade, killing the man. His body dropped to the floor and she smirked at them, waving.

"Hi. Room for one more? I do love poker." Nova teased and a man pulled a pistol from his pocket, taking a shot at her that she dodged.

Sliding under the table with ease, Nova grabbed the man's leg who was holding the gun, pulling him under the table. She held him to the floor with her knee and stabbed him in the forehead, plucking the knife from his skull once he stopped moving.

A hand grabbed her ankle, pulling her from under the wood and she smiled at the man who tried to kick her. She clutched his leg that was about to kick her and twisted it, snapping the bone. A shout of pain came from him and he dropped to the floor so she stabbed him in the neck next.

Two men ganged up on her and one wrapped an arm around her neck from behind, the other advancing to her from her front. Bending her knees, Nova grunted, jumping and wrapping her legs around the man's neck that was ahead of her. His head was immediately pulled closer and using the power of her legs she flipped him onto the table.

The man's grip behind her loosened a little in surprise and she grabbed his arm, pulling his body over her. Slamming her boot down on his neck, she heard a sickening crunch and his head lolled to the side. The man's foot on the table collided with her nose and it cracked, blood dribbling onto her top lip.

Groaning in annoyance, Nova climbed onto the table and he tried to scramble away from her desperately but she straddled his stomach, punching him harshly across the face. His head snapped to the side at the strong hit, eyes dazed slightly.

Her large hands wrapped around his neck and he weakly grabbed at them, trying to stop her but she bent down and bit both of his hands, a wheezing yell leaving his throat. Slowly, the oxygen was drained from his body and he fell limp on the table. For extra measure, Nova snapped his neck quickly, to be sure he was dead.

Leaving the room, Nova pulled her pistol from her suit and advanced towards the next room where she heard two more voices. Peeking round the corner, all it took was two shots and both people were dead on the bed, bleeding out into the white sheets which would no doubt stain.

Walking into the next floor, she saw two people talking in the hallway and shot them both, their bodies slamming into the wall, splattering the clean finished paint with red. Swearing under her breath, Nova sighed because she knew people would've heard their bodies slam on the wall.

Three people came out of a room; two men and a woman. Running, she jumped and wrapped her calf's around one man's head, arms circling the others. She twisted her legs a little and snapped his neck, doing the same with her arms and killed the other man. Landing on the floor, she got a look at the woman.

A small sigh passed her lips again because this woman was innocent. She wasn't part of the mission she was just a prostitute there at the wrong time. A whimper passed the woman's lips, trying to swerve around the corner, bedsheet clutched to her body.

A gasp left her lips when Nova grabbed a fistful of her blonde, frizzed hair and a sob wracked through her when a the barrel of a gun was pressed to her temple. It didn't last long as Nova shot her, the blondes body slumping into her floor in a heap. Yeah, she was innocent and not part off the mission, but she saw Nova's face.

After checking the rest of the rooms, Nova found everyone gone and made her way to the targets office. Fumbling through his drawers, she found the USB she needed and stuffed it into the pocket of her suit. As she went to leave, a pair of thighs wrapped around her head, gripping at her hair.

Moving to the wall, she slammed the body into it and they gasped, winded. Spinning around, she threw them onto the desk, their ankles still locked around her neck. Clamping a hand down on the persons throat, she squeezed, cutting off her airflow.

Natasha Romanoff lay under her, pretty helpless as Nova choked her. Writhing, her red hair flicked about the desk, crumpling the papers on it. Nova's eyes scanned her body before the took notice of the red hourglass belt at her hips but her grip didn't loosen.

"A Widow?" Nova asked, english accent thick in her words.

"Yes." Natasha gasped out, slapping at her hand. "Y-you're Poison Onyx, r-right?"



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