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-"Get out

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"Get out."

"You fucked up!"

"I did nothing wrong!"

"Then why are you bleeding out in my room!?"

Nova stood there, shaking her head in frustration as Natasha sat on her bed, holding a hand to her bleeding stomach. The heels of Nova's shoes clicked against the floor as she moved to grab her first aid supplies from her bedside table, Natasha taking small sips from a bottle of water she was given.

On the mission, Natasha had decided to go against what Nova had ordered and strutted into the bar where the target was. By the time he had gotten there, Nova had already started to take out the target and his minions. So, when she butted in to help, she got caught and shot, Nova having to save her.

"I was just trying to help." Natasha sighed as Nova crouched down in front of her.

"I don't care. You could've gotten yourself killed." Nova grumbled, placing everything in order on her sheets.

"Care about me?" Natasha asked with a smirk.

"No. I just would have been to blame for you stupid mistake." Nova shot back. "Take off your top or hold it between your teeth."

Natasha winced as the fabric of her t-shirt peeled away from her wound before she pulled it off, plopping it on the floor beside Nova. Grabbing the tweezers, Nova started to pull out the bullet, ignoring the hisses of pain Natasha was giving.

"If we're working together, I think we should sort this out." Natasha began and Nova hummed in a questioning way. "Our problem with each other."

"I have no issue as long as you do as you're told." Nova shrugged.

"But you're not giving orders." Natasha scoffed.

"But I am, though. You go on my missions, not the other way around." Nova shook her head, starting to clean the wound. "This just isn't going to work."

"Maybe we should just suck it up and give it some time." Natasha suggested, groaning in pain when alcohol seeped into her cut. "That hurts."

"It's alcohol going into a fresh wound, it's not gonna feel like a feather tickling your ball bag, is it?" Nova raised an eyebrow and Natasha hummed. "What did Dreykov tell you?"

"That we had to work together on missions now. Or most of them." Natasha mumbled. "D'you know why?"

"We're the best in our academy's. I'm guessing they wanted double for the harder missions." Nova suggested and Natasha gave a small nod. "Do you have a room, yet?"

"No idea. Yesterday, I had to stay with the younger girls." Natasha mused. "They were very confused as to why a 23 year old was with them."

"You're 23?" Nova asked and Natasha nodded. "Shitty assassin for a 23 year old."

"Shut up." Natasha grumbled at the smirk on Nova's lips. "I didn't start till I was 4. When did you?"

"Uh, dunno. Can't exactly remember past being hauled into a metal container. All like sardines." Nova muttered, starting to see her gash. "How'd you get here?"

"Fake dad." Natasha replied. "Worked for Dreykov until he was put in prison. Not sure when he'll get out."

"Gotta love parents. All I was told was that I was left behind a bin. Someone found me. Bam. I'm here." Nova explained shortly.

"Do... Do you ever think about what it'd be like to get out? Like, where you'd go or who you'd be?" Natasha questioned.

"Not really." Nova stated. "I don't think much about that sort of stuff."

"What do you think about?" The red head quizzed.

"Whether animals have weddings." Nova mumbled, poking the needle through Natasha's skin again and the short woman couldn't help but smile in amusement.

"Wow. For Poison Onyx, you're not very scary." Natasha joked.

"You asked me what I think about." The tall woman sighed.

"Do you dream?" Natasha asked after a beat of silence.

"Do I dream? Vague question but yes." Nova nodded.

"Tell me about one." Natasha smirked.

"Fine, fuckin' nosy. I was at a train station with a bunch of other people, who I guess were supposed to be who I imagined as family and friends, we saw a celebrity-"

"Who?" Natasha interrupted.

"Alright, calm you tits. James McAvoy." Nova replied. "Any more questioned before I continue, nosy?"

"No, go ahead." Natasha agreed.

"We we're trying to get his autograph so we all jumped the machines and shit. Security guards stopped everyone but I managed to get through. When I got to him, he looked at me and shape shifted into one of The Beatles." Nova finished.

"I-I don't think I have a response to that." Natasha mumbled and Nova hide the small upward twitch of her lips.

"If you want, I can set you up a bed on the floor." Nova suggested. "Easier than listening to those girl cry all night."

"I don't blame them. But, yes please, I'd appreciate it." Natasha muttered as Nova put a cover on her stitches. "I didn't expect you to be this nice."

"No? Me neither, to be honest." Nova murmured, standing to grab her pyjamas from her bedside drawers. "Get out."

"You just said-"

"I'm changing, nosy. Get out."


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