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-"Well, now you know the truth

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"Well, now you know the truth."
(Warnings: it's short smut I'll admit but there's gonna be loooaaads in this book. Nova is intersex - she has a biologically working dick, oral, unprotected sex, degrading, choking, slapping - boobies, riding and I think that's it :))

"Okay! That's enough, Natasha! We're not doing this anymore!" Nova yelled as she stormed into her room, Natasha trailing behind her sheepishly. "You blew our cover and I had to kill a lot more people than necessary! You can't fuck up!"

"It's a lot of pressure, okay?" Natasha shouted back. "There were so many people and I got bothered by something..."

"What? What could you have possibly been bothered by?" Nova sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." Natasha denied, pulling off her clothes and grabbing her pyjamas.

"No! You're gonna tell me and you're gonna do it now!" Nova denied, grabbing her roughly by the arm and shoving her to the wall. "What the fuck was going on?"

"I just got distracted, that's all." Natasha swallowed, Nova not noticing the slight glance she took at her lips.

"By who? By what?" Nova asked, keeping her pressed to the wall as she glared down at her.

"You, okay!" Natasha relented, shrinking under her glare. "You and you're fucking... everything, I guess."

"Thank you, I think?" Nova mumbled, eyebrows furrowed.

"I told you, let's just go to sleep now." Natasha whispered, turning her head away but Nova turned it back to face her.

"You're a fuckin' distraction, too, y'know?" Nova asked, trailing her hand down Natasha's jaw before it landed at her neck, squeezing ever so slightly which pulled a gasp from Natasha. "You walk around like you own the place. Always wearing tiny little dresses and skirts."

"Why do you think I do that?" Natasha questioned, a smirk crossing her lips at a sudden jolt of confidence inside of her.

"I presume so you can be fucked." Nova mumbled, leaning closer to her face, moving back a little when Natasha chased her lips with hers. "Is that what you want?"

"Yes." Natasha answered, hands moving up to fist Nova's shirt in her fingers.

"No strings attached?" Nova asked, tongue poking out to lick her bottom lip and Natasha's eyes followed the movement.

"No strings attached." The red head agreed immediately. "Just fucking."

That's how Natasha ended up on Nova's bed, the tall woman between her thighs, lips suckling at her clit as she brought her to her second orgasm. Her hand was tangled in the short locks of Nova's hair, pulling at them harshly.

Fingers digging into Natasha's thighs, Nova flattened her tongue and dragged it up Natasha's slit, lapping up the arousal that seeped onto her tongue as she tugged her closer to her face. Moving her hands to Natasha's waist, Nova near enough started to drag her over her mouth, tongue dipping into her hole and curling against her walls.

"Shit! Fuck! Oh, my God!" Natasha cried, bare chest heaving as sweat beaded at her skin.

"There's people next door, Natasha, you should shut up." Nova warned, the vibration of her voice on Natasha's sex only furling her pleasure, second hand moving to curl in the bed sheets.

"I can't!" The red head moaned, head thrown back onto the pillows, hair wild around her skull. "Too good!"

"I can tell." Nova mumbled, reaching one hand up to roll Natasha's nipple between her fingers, pulling it sharply.

"Nova!" Natasha gasped loudly, thighs squeezing Nova's head for dear life. "Gonna cum! Can I, please?"

"Go ahead." Nova muttered, holding Natasha's shaking thighs as she came, more arousal flowing onto Nova's tongue.

Placing Natasha's legs back down on the plush mattress, Nova moved up her body, kissing up Natasha's bare body, nipping and sucking at the milky skin. Moving a hand to the back of Nova's neck, Natasha lightly pulled her up, moulding their lips together.

A whimper fell from Natasha when Nova slipped her tongue between her lips, curling the muscle of hers. Legs wrapped around Nova's waist, pulling her closer and she rocked her hips into hers, dragging her sex over Nova's jeans. A small surprised gasp left Natasha's lips, pulling back from the kiss to stare up at Nova in shock.

"You have a dick?" Natasha asked with a small giggle and Nova rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I have a dick." Nova sighed.

"I thought that was just a rumour." Natasha grinned, playing with the hairs at the nape of Nova's neck.

"Well, now you know the truth." Nova whispered, going to pull away but Natasha pulled her back by her legs and hands, locking their lips again.

"Fuck me." Natasha mumbled into Nova's lips. "Please."

At that, Nova smirked down at her, leaning back on her thighs to pull off her t-shirt and unclipping her bra, throwing them to the floor before tugging off her jeans, adding them to the heaped pile. Slotting her lips over Natasha's again, Nova stroked her tongue with hers, hand slowly moving up Natasha's body to curl around her throat, squeezing a little.

Moving her other arm under Natasha's waist, Nova flipped them both over and Natasha giggled into her mouth, rocking her hips against Nova's. Natasha's hands moved up Nova'a abs before she placed them on her tits, squeezing the soft, plump curves.

Reaching between the both of them, Nova lined herself up at Natasha's entrance and the red head slowly sank down on her, arousal seeping from her folds and around the tall woman's cock. A whimper left Natasha, mouth falling open as she slowly bottomed out, pressing her ass to Nova'a thighs.

Rolling her hips upwards into Natasha, Nova pulled back from the kiss fully, thumb stroking the column of Natasha's neck as she gave it a squeeze, smirking when a whine came from the red head. Starting to push her hips back down to meet the roll of Nova's hips, Natasha's nails dug into Nova's skin.

"Such a good slut, doll face." Nova hummed, eyes staring into Natasha's before the shorter woman's eyelids were fluttering closed.

"Oh, my God." Natasha moaned breathily, hands moving to grab at Nova'a biceps, fingers squeezing at the bruised skin. "Gonna cum again!"

"Already? Jesus, you are a slut." Nova taunted, one hand leaving Natasha's waist to land a few firm slaps to her nipples and it made Natasha whimper, body curling into Nova's. "God, such a needy little whore, aren't you?"

"Mhm." Natasha hummed stupidly, leaning her forehead on Nova's and nudging their noses together, the small act almost intimate.

A choked sob fell from Natasha as she came apart on Nova'a cock quickly, hips jerking erratically. More orgasms followed for her, being flipped on her back and used for Nova'a pleasure. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy it; quite the opposite, really. It was the best time she'd had in the academy.

One the pair had both finished completely, breathing unstable and bodies covered in bruises and bite marks, they lay side by side, Nova'a cum leaking down Natasha's thighs and she would have to use the shower in a moment. Silence took over the room before a click sounded, Nova lighting up a cigarette.

"No strings attached." Nova hummed, puffing out some smoke before holding the fag out for Natasha.

"No strings attached." Natasha nodded, taking the cigarette from her and inhaling some and Nova nearly smiled.


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