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- "Shut the fuck up

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"Shut the fuck up."

Now back at the academy, Nova plucked her knives from the target, walking back to the spot and starting to throw them again. As she continued to train, Natasha entered the room in her ballet dress, pointe shoes strapped to her feet. However, Nova didn't notice her because of the rock music blasting in her ears, concentration solely on her training.

A clash of soft French music suddenly rammed into her ears, making Nova loose focus. Her eyes drifted to Natasha, face blank although she was confused. In the 18 years she had been alive, Nova had never met Natasha. The pair had gone to different academy's, though from the same organisation. So why was she here?

Unable to concentrate any longer, Nova slammed her knives into the wood of the weaponry table and Natasha turned to her, giving her a small smirk. Annoyance creeping through her veins, Nova walked towards the training room door, pulling open the oak.

"Я думал, что проблемы с гневом были ложью." Natasha mumbled to herself in amusement, freezing when a knife landed next to her foot. (I thought the anger issues were a lie)

"Сука." Nova muttered back, a smirk pulling at her lips when Natasha swallowed thickly. (Bitch)

The door slammed shut behind her and Natasha slowly continued with her routine while Nova was making her way down to Dreykov's office. Without knocking, she pushed open the door and he looked up from his desk, a disgusting smirk crossing his thin lips. He gestured for her to sit down and she did, legs spread comfortably in her seat.

"Ah, Nova. What do you want?" He asked, fingers locking in front of him on his desk, leaving forwards a little.

"Why is Natasha Romanoff here? She was stationed in Russia." Nova arched an eyebrow and Dreykov chuckled.

"I was planning to talk to you about that. I have already spoken with Natasha." Dreykov started. "You two will be working together from now on."

"I work alone. She will make missions harder for me." Nova stated firmly.

"Then get better at working with people. Improve your people skills." Dreykov smirked.

"I grew up in this place. I have no people skills." Nova grumbled, moving to walk out.

"Charm her. You do that best and she is... easy to charm if you know the right ways." He told her.

"And what are the right ways?" Nova asked.

"Figure it out." Dreykov ordered and she left the office, slamming the door behind her.

The next day, Nova was ordered on a mission and when she went to revive the mission information, Natasha was there too. Voiding her face of any emotions, Nova picked up the information and met Natasha back int he training room where their things were all set out.

"You need to work on your computer skills." Nova told her flatly, pulling off her t-shirt and leggings.

"That's what I'm doing?" Natasha asked, snatching the sheet from her.

"Yeah." Nova nodded, pulling on the fishnet tights in front of her.

"So I get no actual mission." Natasha scoffed, irritated.

"You do have a mission. Hack his account while I deal with him." Nova mumbled, pulling on the tight, short, black dress.

"This is pointless. I can just do this myself." Natasha muttered, placing her hands on her hips.

"We have no choice. You think I wanna be stuck with you? No. But I have to be." Nova snapped, filling her guns with ammo.

"Oh, sorry Miss Perfect." Natasha held her hands up in defence.

"Shut the fuck up." Nova ordered lowly, slipping knives into the straps under her dress.

"No, I won't because I should be doing this alone. You're no better than anyone else." Natasha replied.

"Oh, my God." Nova sighed, annoyed already.

"I agree with you for a first. Oh, my God. You're really gonna make me sit in a hotel room while you do everything!" Natasha tried, startled when Nova wrapped a hand around her throat, slamming her harshly into the wooden wall.

"You need to learn to keep your mouth closed." Nova hissed, glaring down at her. "This is a mission, you do your bit, I do mine. We stay away from each other until we come back here, got that?"

"...yes." Natasha gulped.

"Fucking finally. Don't fuck this up." Nova finalised, letting go of her neck and walking out of the room.


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