i. 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗲𝗶 & 𝘆𝗮𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗼

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requested by lunatic_fanfics
word count - ~1k
a/n - i defaulted to using feminine terms since you didn't ask for any specific ones, lmk if you want me to edit it!

"miko and ei help y/n recover from her illness, yet the sick woman can't help but feel guilty that she's keeping them from celebrating new years."

y/n felt awful

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y/n felt awful.

Her body ached painfully, and she could hardly think with how cloudy her head felt from the intensity of her fever. With raspy, cough-addled breaths and heavy eyelids, she reached out for something—yet even she didn't know what she was reaching for.

Another hand met hers, and y/n shallowly looked up to meet the eyes of her friend, the Raiden Shogun.

She was watching y/n with worried eyes, her usually placid expression seemingly absent. Wordlessly, Ei reached up with her other hand to feel y/n's forehead, and in her addled state, y/n couldn't find it in herself to be embarrassed at the feeling of her crush touching her so softly.

"Miko, she is still quite warm..." Ei says, directing her attention to the woman seated on the other side of the bed. Miko hummed, reaching over herself to feel y/n's flushed face.

"Ah, but she's feeling much better than she did yesterday," Miko smiles, and the sight of it is a huge comfort to the sick woman. "y/n? Are you lucid?"

Ei reaches over to help y/n up, her arms a solid weight on her until they are taken away. y/n is able to sit up without help, which is a good sign to her improving health.

"...mm, barely." y/n mumbles softly. She watches her friends, smiling all the while. "Thank you both for being here but..."

Both women stare at y/n, waiting for her to finish her statement, and the intensity of their gazes cause y/n to stutter just a bit. She knew they didn't realize what they were doing but it was still so heart-wrenching to have her two crushes tending to her like this!

"Why are you here, taking care of me?" y/n finishes, looking away sheepishly.

"Hm?" Miko says quizzically, seemingly caught off guard by the question. It was a rare thing for the great kitsune to sound so confused. "Why wouldn't we?"

"...Isn't it the new year?" y/n asks softly. "Miko, you are probably needed as the Guuji of the shrine, and Ei... I'm sure as the Raiden Shogun you have responsibilities as well, why waste this time taking care of me?"

Miko and Ei give one another a look, and all of a sudden y/n finds herself feeling left out of the loop. They sat there for a moment, the two women caught in a silent argument, it seems.

They were so close y/n thinks fondly. She's sure being friends with someone for so long would do that to anyone.

"y/n," Ei says suddenly, again moving to hold one of y/n's hands in both of her own. y/n's face immediately lights up in embarrassment, her eyes almost bulging out of her head once Miko does the same to her other hand. With both her crushes hands cradling her own, y/n truly feels like she is about to explode. "You should know by now how important you are to the both of us."

"Yes, Ei is right," Miko agrees, her smile taking on a cheeky aspect as she observes how embarrassed the human is with their fawning. "You understand how much we care for you, don't you, y/n?"

"I-I..." y/n stutters, her sick mind hardly able to keep up with the escalation of their conversation. "Give me a moment to, um, process this—"

Miko giggles softly, and Ei stares at her, a rare annoyed expression haunting her features. "Miko, do not tease her whilst she is in such a vulnerable state."

"Sorry, sorry." The Guuji laughs further, "She is just so adorable when she is embarrassed like this."

"Mikoooo—" y/n cried dramatically, sliding down her bed frame until she was once again laying her back against the mattress. "That's so mean!"

Miko's laughs quieted down after some time passed and with more scolds from Ei. y/n had thought she was finally free from the clutches of embarrassment, yet her cheeks flushed again once she noticed her friends body shimmying into the bed beside her.

y/n was practically frozen in shock, and Miko took her silence as an opportunity to usher Ei over, the Raiden seemingly also embarrassed at the idea of sharing a bed with her close... friends. Their silent feud ended with Miko pulling Ei down to the bed.

"Miko?! This is a very precarious position—!" Ei squeals uncharacteristically, her right arm hovering over y/n's torso like she was afraid of making her uncomfortable. If y/n weren't still in her comatose Miko-induced state, she may have cooed over how adorable her Archon was.

"y/n, you are alright with this, aren't you?" Miko smiles into y/n's shoulder, and y/n is momentarily cut out of her stupor. "I can't imagine this is one sided..."

"It's—" y/n finds herself stuttering again. Her face is practically alight, which probably isn't so good considering her sickness. "It's okay..."

y/n feels Ei relax, her hand settling lightly onto the sick woman's abdomen in a mock half-hug. Ei is collected and calculating with her cuddling movements, while Miko already has herself half-plastered onto y/n.

"You are so soft, y/n," Miko sighs dreamily, nuzzling her head further into the nook between y/n's neck and shoulder. y/n stiffens, her face flushing further as she feels the women of her affections cuddle into her.

"She really is, isn't she..." Ei replies sleepily. y/n wonders briefly if she had even slept whilst caring for her. She hopes deeply that Ei and Miko had taken shifts at least...

With the protective arms of her favorite people around her, y/n can't help but feel at peace, even as she suffers with sickness. Ei's words from earlier echoed through her mind, her utterances of how important she was to the both of them.

Miko and Ei's soft snores envelop the sick woman. y/n feels her eyelids close, her pain calmed by the softness of her love's embrace, and she falls into a warm sleep.

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