iv. 𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗵𝗲

2.7K 128 11

no requester
word count - ~2.5k
warnings: mentions of violence.

"For as long as she could care to remember, the red ropes had kept her from feeling emotions freely."

Shenhe had first met y/n on a cold winter afternoon—when the sun had been obscured by clouds and the Liyue plains filled with snow

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Shenhe had first met y/n on a cold winter afternoon—when the sun had been obscured by clouds and the Liyue plains filled with snow.

Shenhe enjoyed the cold. She liked feeling the freezing air nibbling at her exposed skin. The sensation of it grounded her in this reality.

She only mourned the fact that the cold would eventually fade into unbearable heat—and the snow would melt into obscurity.

The forest was so quiet when it snowed. Peaceful. She couldn't even hear the noises of animals rummaging around. She's sure that if she bothered to strain her ears—she wouldn't be able to hear a single thing...


Shenhe's head whipped to the side. A fallen branch had been broken underneath someone's foot. That someone stared at her now—eyes widened in shock.

They stared at one another for a moment, and Shenhe only broke out of her stupor once she remembered this stranger was a mortal and probably on the verge of freezing in this weather.

What a fool.

"What are you doing?" Shenhe deadpanned harshly, her voice cutting into the serene quiet of the forest. She thought of softening her tone, but perhaps a wake up call would be needed for this woman to understand that she shouldn't be wandering the woods.

The woman visibly winced at her words, and Shenhe felt her emotions claw at her red ropes. She looked so sad. Shenhe stifled these thoughts.

"I-I only wanted to say thank you, Miss." The woman's shaky hands hold up a gift basket. Shenhe quirks a brow, and the woman continues. "You saved me, yesterday, and I wanted to sh-show my gratitude...!"

Gratitude? To her?

Shenhe eyed the basket suspiciously before walking over to the woman. She didn't take the gift, and instead passed by her.

"You are going to follow me back to Liyue Harbor." Shenhe says, walking in the direction the woman had come from.

If she had bothered to look behind her during the walk, she may have seen the woman wilt in rejection.

If she had bothered to look behind her during the walk, she may have seen the woman wilt in rejection

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