iii. 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗿

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requested by SilasAzar
word count - ~1k
a/n - i really enjoyed writing this, thanks for requesting!

"y/n knew that jean needed to step away from her work, even if it was only for a moment."

The halls of the Knights of Favonius headquarters were not an unfamiliar sight to y/n

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The halls of the Knights of Favonius headquarters were not an unfamiliar sight to y/n.

She had been here countless times. From receiving missions, to seeking out the library's many resources, to certain visits... yeah, it's safe to say she's here plenty and often.

Her shoes tapped against the floor as she made her way through the building; eyes roaming as she looked for a particular woman's room that was also not unfamiliar to her. y/n pouted as she thought of who was awaiting her in that study.

Jean Gunnhildr was nothing if not efficient. As the acting Grand Master for the Knights of Favonius—her sheer amount of duties couldn't fit onto a parchment of paper ten feet in length.

A ridiculous amount of work to be put onto the shoulders of one woman, yes, but that didn't stop them from piling up on her. y/n feels herself clench her teeth in annoyance at the thought.

Such ridiculous duties have been keeping her away from y/n, which just would not do.

When y/n had found and opened the door to Jean's study, she could feel her entire body relax in relief at the sight of her love. Jean sat at a desk facing away from her—posture impeccably perfect—obviously hard at work. Normally y/n may take to standing there and admiring the other woman; but today was a different situation entirely.

y/n skulked over to the Grandmaster, her steps virtually silent and trained from battle. Once she was close enough, she surprised Jean by covering the anemo-user's eyes with her hands.

"Guess who?" y/n smiled, relishing in the way Jean twitches at the feeling of the other woman's breath at her neck.

"y/n, now is not the time..." Jean sighs, and y/n's heart aches at how tired she sounds. "Please, leave me to finish approving the rest of these documents..."

A fondness overtakes y/n, a fondness built on a need to keep her lover from overworking herself. Jean had been like this since they had met—and while she does love the Grand Master greatly; her dislike for Jean's self-sacrificing nature was just as great.

Jean put the needs of Mondstadt's people before her own, and that was one of the many things y/n respected about her... but y/n couldn't help but feel awful that her love must be subjected to that sort of pressure.

"Jean," y/n whispers, hooking her arms around Jean's neck and settling her chin onto the Grand Master's shoulder to stare down at the practically criminal amount of paperwork spread out along her desk. "You can't work yourself to death..."

Jean stays silent at that, but y/n doesn't miss how her love leans into her touch. They stay there unmoving for a bit—simply basking in each other's presence.

For the past week or so, Jean had been getting back to their shared apartment rather late. Last night in fact, Jean hadn't gotten home until the sun was already about to peek over the horizon. y/n had waited for her, of course, and scolded a red-faced Jean for not taking care of herself. y/n worried deeply when she woke up early that morning to find Jean gone once again, the only remnants of her hour long stay being slightly rumpled sheets on Jean's side of the bed.

"I miss you." y/n says simply, and she knows it was a critical hit when Jean stiffens in her seat. "Surely Mondstadt can survive without their perfect Grand Master for one night."

Jean softens, a light sigh escaping her lips, and y/n realizes that she has won. A conceding Jean leans back further into y/n's touch.

"I am sorry." Jean apologizes, reaching a tentative hand up to hold y/n's own. "I only want to do my best for everyone else, but that does not give me any reason to neglect you."

Jean's head turns without warning, her eyes meeting the other woman's with a softness that brings red to y/n's face. She feels it then—Jean's gloved fingers wiping away the tears at her cheeks.

When had she started crying?

"My love, please believe me when I say I never meant to hurt your feelings," Jean whispers, holding y/n's embarrassed face in her capable hands. "I love and care for you more than anything else, including my position here as Grand Master."

y/n sniffles, but she does smile at Jean's words. "You're just saying that..."

"I am not." Jean says with an air of seriousness, and y/n... she can only flounder at the determined look in the other woman's beautiful eyes.

The kiss Jean presses to her mouth is chaste; and yet y/n can still feel it burning her up from the inside out. They had been together for months, and still y/n felt weak in the knees whenever their lips met. She is sure that she will never tire of Jean's kisses.

"Uh—" y/n stutters when Jean pulls away, and the Grandmaster can only smile at how embarrassed her partner is. "O-okay! Well, we should probably get going now, I have dinner waiting for us at home..."

"Of course." Jean says with a knowing laugh, interlacing their fingers before standing up from her chair.

They walk home together, and y/n is almost scared at how happy she is. They spend the entire evening together—eating the meal y/n prepared and laughing well into the night.

When y/n wakes up that morning with the arms of her love wrapped around her, she is sure that is how she wants to wake up every morning for the rest of her life.

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