ii. 𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗮

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requested by realityphantom
word count - ~1.6k
a/n - hi alice! i hope you like this one :D <3

"was rosalyne... was that part of her honestly gone? or is that just what she told herself to spare her own heart?"

 was that part of her honestly gone? or is that just what she told herself to spare her own heart?"

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La Signora. The Crimson Witch of Embers. Eighth of the Fatui Harbingers. Even the tones of her name strike fear into the common people of Teyvat. They knew her as a demon, a ruthless shell of a woman who would stop at nothing to achieve her own whims.

Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter was not as well known. She had been a stern but kind woman, a true scholar in the making. Her devotion to her beloved was the type of love you would hear of in songs and sonnets.

It was truly a shame that this love was Rosalyne's downfall.

Signora's previous self had been dead for centuries. Her humanity ceased along with the life of her former love. During the years following the cataclysm, Signora was nothing but a slave to her duties as a Harbinger.

She donned a new name, a new identity; one that was forged within flames and as cold as ice.

Only now, lifetimes later, does Signora feel these strange callings to her previous life. These temptations come in the form of soft laughter, a bright smile, and promises of friendship. y/n was just that—a temptation—one that she must stamp out.

Their first meeting was an arranged one. In preparation for the Tsaritsa's future plans—Signora had been assigned a companion. The Cryo Archon explained it away as a formality; saying it would be difficult for her to navigate the regions of Teyvat without a guide. Signora was insulted at the notion, and saw y/n only as proof of her Tsaritsa's doubt in her skills.

And yet, even in Signora's self-imposed limbo, y/n pushed to befriend her. Invitations to lunch, strange staring, and large amounts of y/n talking at her—almost made Signora go mad. Finally, one day, Signora snapped. She turned to meet y/n's gaze with fire in her eyes, and y/n had only smiled back.

Why do you bother trying to get to know me?

Well, because I truly do want to know you, La Signora. Why else?

And that was that. Signora, reluctantly, didn't protest when the weakling visionless woman would follow her around wherever she went—even places y/n was not required to be by the Tsaritsa. Signora did not let the other woman treat her to lunch, but she did start responding back to y/n's—in her words—ceaseless blabbering.

One word answers became sentences, which became questions or answers, and finally; became genuine conversation. Signora actually enjoyed the other woman's company, which in and of itself isn't something she had experienced since—since...

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