Everyone's start

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Moments before Pyrrha and Kira's eyes met

As soon as I heard that name, my ears twitched under the bow. I gripped Gambol Shroud in frustration. So he's back...You have no idea how much I missed you.

The Schnee heiress was swatting some kind of booklet in front of Kira and the girl he was with's faces. I was about to join the conversation to see if he remembered me, but then he turned his head to the voice that was calling him. I was so shocked I had to hold myself back from screaming at what I saw.


Present Time

"Kira?" I hear him say something but I was too busy rushing towards him to care. I tackled him into a pillar, into which he crashed his back.


Everyone in the room went silent as they saw Pyrrha Nikos aggressively tackling the boy and starting to make out with him. The soonest to react was Weiss Schnee, who separated the two with an outraged expression on her face and a massive blush from the embarrassment and shame she was feeling.

"What...what are you doing? Like this, in public?" Weiss pried Pyrrha off the boy, but the Spartan only scoffed and grinned. "That's what couples do, there's nothing shameful about that."

"Co-couple?" A voice mutters, revealing to be Blake, who evidently thought was quiet enough not to be noticed. Eyes snapped in her direction, but before anything else could happen Ozpin arrived and started his speech.

"I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

The speech caused to hall to erupt into murmurs and forget the rom-com like situation that erupted around the boy. All the students coagulated in their groups, with Yang rejoining Ruby. "You have a lot of explaining to do, mister!" She looked straight into Kira's eyes as hers flashed red. She and her sister had feelings for the same boy so – in her perspective – it was only natural she inquired on the reason why he left out such an important detail as already having a girlfriend.

He noticed Pyrrha was talking with Weiss, likely asking the same thing, he thought. Sigh. "There's nothing to explain. You know I lived as a runaway for most of my life, but there were a couple of places I settled in for some time, one of them being Mistral and specifically Sanctum Academy. I stayed there for a couple of years, and won the tournament two times in a row. Got bored of staying in the same place, and left. Pyrrha's still in my heart, and it hurt me to leave."

Ruby didn't take it lightly. "You left her?" she tried to slap him but he caught her wrist. "You have no right to judge me. Not when you always had a place to call home." Not when the only reason your mother's still around is in front of you. Ignoring Yang's protests he made his way to a sleeping bag, tripping on a book and almost falling over. The straps on his backpack loosened and his weapon – a sword – fell out. Not even Ruby and Yang knew about it, as it was a parting gift from Ghira.

 Not even Ruby and Yang knew about it, as it was a parting gift from Ghira

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