"Kawajiri Kosaku"

228 7 20

5 years ago – Schnee Family residence

"I received important information from Sienna that the Schnee Dust Company now has a new number two, and that they has been chosen by Jacques himself."

Blake and Kira were currently hidden outside the Schnee family mansion. "What does this have to do with us?"

"This type of operation has been in the works for a long time...kidnapping Jacques' number two and use them as a bargaining chip." Kira nodded and the two approached the mansion. Using the dark to their advantage, Blake knocked the guards out with her clones and Kira exploded the control panel to disable the electric fence. Hopping inside the garden, their attention was taken by a light coming from a window on the first floor. Blake's eyes widened as her hand reached into her jacket's pocket to look at a folded photo.

 Blake's eyes widened as her hand reached into her jacket's pocket to look at a folded photo

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Kira looked at the photo from behind her and let out a low growl. Before Blake realized what happened, he had already barged into the room from the window and was holding the man by the neck. "Let me go! Let me go! Someone help!"

"BASTARD! So that's the new life you've made yourself, huh? As a slave? You took everything from me!"

"Kira! Calm down! We need to go now, we're already short on time as is!"

"Fuck the mission! I have to kill him!"

"No! Please! I don't even know who you a-"


In a moment, the man is no more. Exchanging brief looks, the two quickly run away, and are one with the night well before Willow Schnee and her butler Klein enter the room, to only find an empty safe.

At a safety distance, Blake is now shouting at Kira, trying to understand whatever went through his mind. "What the hell did you just do!? We don't kill people! You...you taught me to never go this far!"

"I...I am sorry."

"You're sorry!? You're sorry! What will we report to Sienna? 'We killed the person we were supposed to kidnap, we're sorry?' Do you have any idea of the repercussions this will have on the enslaved Faunas?!"

"I SAID I WAS SORRY, FUCK!" Taken aback by his outburst, Blake flinches and her ears twitch. He breathes in, and continues. "He...that man was, my father. Kosaku Kawajiri."

"Your real father..."

"He threw me out, with no regards for my life. I was six, and I had nobody. I...hope my mother suffers, because if I find where she is before she dies, I'll kill her myself too." Feeling a pair of soft arms hugging him from behind, he relaxes. "You're not alone anymore. You'll never be." He turns his head and their lips make contact, before Blake blushes. "I aimed for the cheek..." she mutters in an almost inaudible voice.

"Oh- "

"That was my first kiss! You better take responsibility!" They reached the extraction point after a short walk, during which a comfortable silence settled.

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