Exploding Festival

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The girls telling him how Killer Queen activated without him being present on the scene was the trigger – ironically. He figured he had to come clear with a few things regarding himself. With his old nemesis now in the school every little thing not told had the potential to trouble their relationship and, since he already had a plan to solve the situation, he knew that to move forward he had to face what he had gone through. He got discharged relatively soon, and demanded to Ruby and Jaune their teams go to his and Sienna's dorm.

This came as news to everyone involved – to various degrees. Weiss knew nothing about him except that he was close to the White Fang, per Blake's revelation, and that he came from the same home as Ruby and Yang – apparently their mother Summer found him in the woods while she was returning home from a mission and decided to adopt him.

Blake and Sienna, being Faunas both, knew like the back of their hands the extent of his White Fang life and how deeply he was involved with the struggle that resulted in Adam Taurus' takeover of the organization. Something that, in his words, was the last mistake of his life, for he will have Taurus' head. They were intrigued about everything else, though, as Summer's story didn't really sit right with them.

Yang and Ruby were ecstatic, since the 'Third Rose' was finally giving some light about his life prior to their meeting. Ruby hoped for him to open up – she was the most innocent of the bunch but even she knew there was something big under the rug – the nightmares she was told of by Sienna must've been painful, and she too had vision of her crouching in front of her mother's grave, had she not returned. Yang had ever-present suspicions about her mother's location, so she wanted to know if, in his travels, he had met her.

Team JNPR weren't as close to him as the others – with the notable exception of Pyrrha having some prior 'history' they were thoroughly informed about by the spartan herself – but they were nonetheless captivated by this silent, but strong-willed person. Especially considering how he risked his life to face the Grimm that had backed them into a corner during Initiation.

He kinda felt relieved they were all there ready to listen to him. Everyone aims to become special for their significant others, and now that the dance – mundane events that forced him to interact with people weren't exactly his forte – had come to pass, they were all in a good mood. Especially Ruby, since she got first dibs. Him not being able to really stand the dance because of his injuries didn't change anything for his friends, and he was happy.

"So, Kira, what do you want to tell us?" the ever-direct Yang spoke, breaking the silence. The air wasn't tense as one would expect – something that could be considered a miracle since the Vytal Festival was to begin in a day. Or so Nora said anyway. "What I'm telling you will stay between us." He stared at them to make the message sink, and Killer Queen manifested to express its master's wish.

"When I understood how this world worked, I was only 6 years old. My parents abandoned me because I had not been born with the powers the people of this world are so proud of. No Aura, no Semblance, casted away and left to rot. I often have nightmares about the street our house was in, and my mother telling him how powerless and disgusting I am. Then, I met someone.

Someone who saved my life, someone I could call a parent. Yang, Ruby, this could come as a shock to you."

"Why do you say so?"

"My full name. I am Kira Branwen, adopted son of the Leader of the Branwen Tribe."

The way Yang reacted, nobody could have seen it coming. She marched to Kira and slapped him in the face. Then, she hiccupped and started sobbing, hugging him in the process. Ruby sighed, teardrops at the corner of her eyes, before softly prying her sister off of him. "I...deserved it honestly. I thought you would have hated me if I showed up carrying that surname, so I hid it. I...basically stole your childhood." Yang faced his lover again and smiled. "I hated my mother. But you are different, you...would never abandon anyone."

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