Chapter 42

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That night after tucking Liam in, I keep waiting for Stefan. He is supposed to be home early for dinner yet he is not back. It's already past eight. I'm so hungry as well. I didn't ate lunch because my head was really aching. He is not even picking my call.

I decide to eat an apple while waiting for him. I walk in the kitchen and freeze when I see Stefan and Cara having dinner. They even have a bottle of wine open.

"Hey Jess", she grins like a Cheshire cat. "We thought you were already sleeping."

"Stefan", I speak, completely ignoring her presence. "We were supposed to have dinner together. I was waiting for you."

"I'm sorry Jess", he says guiltily. "I thought you were already sleeping."

"Well I was not. You could have come and checked", I cross my arms angrily. "I am freaking starving." 

"Honestly it really looks like your body won't mind a day of starvation", Cara throws in while sipping her wine.

"Cara....", he starts but stops when she she gives him a look.

"I am right", she goes on and runs her eyes on me again. "I have remarked that she has a really unhealthy diet, no wonder she looks like this. For a person who eats sweets stuff, you sure have a nice body but your stomach...."

Stefan averts his eyes and I look at him in disbelief. I ignore her and approach him.

"I need to talk to you", I try to say calmly.

"Can't you see that he is eating?", Cara snaps.

"Shut the fuck up!", I pick up her fork and point it near her face. "I am not talking to you."

Maybe I should really poke her eyes out! She annoys me so bad.

"Jess!", Stefan takes the fork hurriedly from my hand and tries to turn me towards him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Stefan", she gasps. "She is trying to hurt me. Did you see that?"

"I'll just come Cara", he says in an apologetic tone to her. "Have you dinner in the meanwhile."

Shock, I let Stefan drags me in the room and close the door. He is behaving like nothing has happened with her. How can he do this?!

"Stefan", my voice is calm as he leaves my hand. "Is there anything going on between you two?"

"No Jess", he holds my face. "Why would you think that?"

"Because I am not freaking blind!", I shrug his hand off harshly and take a step back. "I can see that you two are close too much. I saw the way she was clinging on your arm earlier and you didn't even do anything about it!"

"You are being insecure Jess", he claims with a frustrated sigh and look away.

His words acts like pieces of glasses against my chest.

"You are giving me reasons to feel insecure Stefan", I murmur and start feeling burn out. "Maybe this is not working out....."

"No!", he exclaims and stands before me in an instant. "Don't think about leaving me. I'm so sorry Jess. Please don't."

"You are sorry for a lot of things these days."

"I promise you there's nothing going on between us", he leans his forehead against mine. "Believe me."

"Then why are you behaving like this Stefan?", I question in a tired voice. "I feel like you don't like me anymore. You just need to tell me. I'll leave without any fuss. You know it's okay if you like Cara...."

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