Chapter 28

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I feel movements beneath me and hear shuffling sounds. A pair of lips kisses me gently on my eyebrow. My eyes feel so heavy and I don't bother opening them. I just curl into a ball and fall back asleep.

Somewhere during my sleep, I remember Liam. It's already morning, he needs to eat. My eyes snap open instantly and getting up, I cringe when I still feel pain in my stomach. I walk towards his crib and he's not there.

Alarm, I grip the crib and look around quickly but instantly yelp in pain. I totally forgot about my burnt hand. I hear a loud banging sound from downstairs and feel my heart jumps in my throat.


Quick as lightning, I descend the stairs, ignoring every pain in my body and stop when I find Stefan and Liam in the kitchen.

"Liam", Stefam groans. "Why did you do that? Jess is sleeping."

Apparently Liam has pulled a pan from the counter, and threw it down. He laughs at his father. The scene is hilarious. Why do kids always throw things and laugh as if it's the most funniest thing ever?

Stefan laughs with Liam and gives him a kiss. "God I love you so much!"

"Good morning", I say.

"You're already up! Good morning", Stefan looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah I thought something happened here."

Liam squeals and starts bouncing in his father's arms for me. Smiling, I take him instantly in my arms. I get a hug instantly.

"Liam loves causing chaos", Stefan chuckles . "Are you feeling okay?"

"Much better", I say with a small smile. My heart warms when I see the concern look on his face.

"Let me see your hand"

"Don't worry. I'll change the dressing before leaving", I say and add looking at his wrist watch. "Which is in thirty minutes."

"I'll make breakfast while you get ready", Stefan says quickly and takes Liam from me. I give Liam a kiss and turns to leave for my room but taking a few steps ahead, I halt and turn around to look at the boys again.

Stefan is preparing breakfast while Liam is sitting in his high stool. Both are having a cute conversation with Liam mainly talking gibberish and Stefan encouraging him to speak more. Everything feel so cozy and natural with them as if I do belong here. As if it's my own family. It's such a warm and nice feeling. I feel so giddy from being this happy.

I return in my room and after doing my business in the washroom, I get ready quickly. Throwing on a black skinny jeans and a red tank top, I make my way into the living room with the first aid box in my hand. I have already removed the dressing. I got it wet while taking a shower and let me tell you something, it's still burning like hell. I'll just put another one on it real quick and have breakfast before leaving. I cringe in pain when I look at my palm. It's still red.

"Let me do it", I hear Stefan's voice.

Without saying anything, I let him apply the  antiseptic and wrap another gauze on my hand.

"Still burning?", he asks.

"No", I lie. If I say yes, he's going to apologize again which I don't want.

"Liar", he murmurs. "I'm sorry once again."

"It's okay Stefan", I smile. "You said sorry enough times."

I feel a cold bracelet being wrap around my wrist.

"What is this?", I ask, curiously.

"A little gift for you", Stefan says with a soft smile. My eyes widen slightly when I see the blue velvet box.

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