Chapter 23

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Hey bitches! I'm back! And yes I'm still safe and alive. So how are you guys doing? Hope you're all safe and healthy. Let me know how it's going for all of you. I would love to hear about you all.

Also thanks to all of you who e-mailed me to inquire about my health. Thank you so much. It really means a lot. I really adore you people. I didn't realize that this book is going to blow up like this. And the amount of love you guys have been giving this story just touches my heart. Frankly, I just started this story randomly, almost like a joke. I had no idea, it would be loved by so many people. Everytime I read your comments, a smile automatically makes its way on my lips. Thank you for making me smile.

Anddddd one more thing, I have seen many people complaining about me using the word BITCH too much. Well bitches listen here! It's how my characters speak in my head to each other. Especially Jessica and Leo. They are best friends and every best friends I assume are different. Keep in mind that every person's story and characters are different. They have different personalities. And if you keep complaining more about it, I'm just going to keep using it more 😚

And If you do not watch Bretman Rock then you are really missing it in life. I started writing this book right after I binged watch his every video compilations on YouTube and everytime I end up watching a video, I automatically turn into that character. Like my mind really says, "Hey bitch new day new you"

Please vote and comments if you like this chapter. It really means a lot to me. Xoxo

Happy reading ;)

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

"Oh my god", I groan as I open my eyes. This headache is killing me.

"Im dying", I murmur while clutching my head.

I turn my head towards the right and almost scream.

"Good morning", Ciara says with a smirk. Her face is just beside mine.

"Ciara", I groan. "What are you doing? You scared the hell out of me."

"Queens don't feel scared that easily", she laughs.

"What? My head hurts so bad", I murmur. Suddenly I realize that this comforter is not mine, neither this bed or this room.

What in the living hell am I doing in Stefan's room?

"What am I doing here?"

"Jess", Ciara gasps. "You really don't know what happened yesterday night!"

"What happened Ciara?", I ask instantly. "I can't remember anything. Stop smiling like an idiot!"

She points at my clothes and I gasp.

"Who's....Why am I wearing Stefan's shirt?!"

"The cherry has been popped honey", Ciara casually says while checking her nails.

My eyes widen in shock.

"Yesterday night after I dropped you here, things happened between you and Stefan", she adds with a serious face.

"You got really drunk yesterday and all the way home you were saying how much you like Stefan and when you got home.... oh dear! Things did got intense. I saw the marks on his neck."

"What marks?!", I panic.

The door open at the same time I'm panicking. Stefan enters and he smirks upon seeing me. I avert my eyes quickly. I can't even focus on remembering the events from yesterday due to this intense headache. My head is pounding with pain.

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