Chapter 13

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Hey everyone hope you're all safe and okay. I just want to thank you guys for loving this book. I have been getting your messages. It really means a lot to me.

Enjoy. x

My feet stop instantly when I hear that familiar voice. I didn't hear anything from him for the past four months. I wonder what is he doing here? My mind is telling me to walk away but somehow I feel rooted to my place. Turning around, I face him.

"Father? What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too daughter", he smiles and approaches me. I take in his appearance. His clothes are sort of dirty and he even appears to be drunk. I already sense trouble.

"What are you doing here?", I demand.

"Why are you asking me like that?", he asks almost sadly. "Can't a father meets his daughter?"

I sigh and control the urge to roll my eyes.

"I missed you Jess."

"That's bullshit!", I snap angrily. "You never missed me. I know you are only here because you need money! Again!"

"That's not true", he replies brokenly. "You're my daughter Jess and I love you. I just want you to help me."

Snorting, I glance away from him. Right! He needs help again! I wonder what excuse he have this time to get money from me.

"Please help me out Jess", he pleads and takes another step towards me. I take two steps back instantly.

"I know you want money again", I sigh. "But I don't have any. I'm sorry!"

"I need to buy some medicines for myself. I'm not well." He makes a sad face and coughs slightly. I already know that he's pretending. He just needs money to buy drinks again.

"You won't get your medicines in a pharmacy as far as I know.", I say and pick my bag up. "You should leave now."

"How can you be so ungrateful?", he snaps. "I raised you, took care of you , gave you everything and now you're telling me to leave!"

"Don't start again father", I drawl tiredly. "You're just wasting your time and one more thing, you never took care of me. You always treated me like trash!"

"That's because you took the life of the love of my life!", he yells. I wince. He always bring this up at every single time, it never fails to hurt me.

"It was not my fault father", I murmur. My throat already feels heavy. But I'm not going to cry in front of him.

"Yes it is!", he snarls. "If it wasn't for you, she would have still be here with me! You caused her death!"

"Then I'm glad she's already dead", I snap and watch as his eyes turns into slit.

"Atleast she doesn't have to witness what I see. I'm glad she's gone into a safe place because she's away from an abusive person like you!"

"You bitch!", he says menacingly and slaps me. I fall headlong on the side road and wince when I feel my cheekbone hitting it.

"Just give me my money!", he yells again and hovers over me.

"I won't give you anything", I spit. "You can go to hell for all I care!"

He raises his fist to punch and instinctively, I close my eyes and try to block my face with my hands. My breathing starts to get uneven. My heart is already pounding loudly in my ears.

I keep waiting for the painful blow but it never comes. I open my eyes when I hear another familiar voice.

"Jess!", Elliott says in an anxious voice. "Are you alright?!"

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