Chapter 44

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After that day, I did everything to make Cara trusts me more but frankly after that night I really didn't need to do much. Yet, she was still not mentioning anything about the tapes and it was getting really frustrating. I was constantly worried and stressed if she had already uploaded it or gave it to Ana or someone else. I also made sure to appoint two private investigators and bodyguards for Jess.

The investigators are still doing their daily check to see if Jess's attacker is trying to escape the prison with someone's help. He is being closely monitored in jail as well as security has been tightened for him even more. If he even makes a wrong move, he will be dead instantly and Ana is going to be in the jail for a long time for complicity and federal charges. Either way both Ana and Cara are going to serve a few days in cells for invading Jess's privacy. It's illegal.

One day I heard Cara arguing with someone on the phone. At first she was not willing to tell me who it was but when she mentioned it was Ana, I threatened to leave her. This was all part of my plan because I knew Cara will start listening to me. She cried and begged me to listen to her and that's when she told me that all of this has been Ana's plan to take revenge.

"She was the one who told me to record her Stefan", she cries. "But I didn't give it to her. Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?", I snarl. "Are you still planning to give it to her so that she can keeps annoying me?!

"No", she shakes her head. "I won't give it to her. I don't want her in our lives anymore. Believe me."

"Give me the tapes", I demand.

"Why?", she frowns.

At this point, I realize that this has become a delicate situation. One wrong behaviour from me can wreck it all and it might affect Jess.

"We need it babe", I smirk.

"For what? I don't want you to look at her", she sneers with jealousy. "Did you sleep with her?"

"I didn't", I admit. "I told you that I only kept her around for Liam."

"I'm glad", she moves forward and hugs me. "But I find it weird that you didn't because in the past women kept talking about you. Is she that repulsive huh?"

My jaw tightens at her words. I didn't do anything with her because I respect her choice. The women she is talking about would threw themselves on me happily but not Jess. I respect her boundaries and I want her to want me just as much as I want her and for that I am ready to wait for eternity. She is the love of my life and obviously I won't do anything out of her comfort zone.

"I just didn't want to involve too much with her", I lie.

"She's not worth it, I know", she adds pettily.

Can she shut the fuck up?! Just give me the damn tapes!

"What are you going to do with the tapes?"

"I was thinking to post it and make it viral but since you already hate her, I'm thinking of letting it go."

Did she really thought that I am going to hate my Jess? She can't even imagine how much I love and to what extent I can go just to protect her! For fuck's sake, I had to behave like a heartless son of a bitch so that they don't harm her.

Cara is trying to dim the light of my life and for that she will pay dearly. Very dearly.

"I want you to destroy it", I trail my finger on her face seductively and stops it on her lower lip."Or just give it to me. I'll destroy it."

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