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Three years later.....

"Mommy", Liam says, his big blue eyes bright as he enters the kitchen. "You called me?"

"Yes baby, I did", I smile innocently.

"Mommy was hungry so I ate all your halloween candies. I hope you won't be mad with me."

"It's okay mom", he comes forward and rubs my protruding belly. "You were hungry. I understand."

Liam is the sweetest boy. He has turned out to be the most gentle and understanding four year old boy.

"But baby are you sure?", I caress his head. "Mummy did really ate them all. Not a single one is left."

"It's okay", he kisses my belly and wraps his small arms around me. "The little baby was hungry and you were too. I can eat something else later or daddy can buy us more."

He is ever so caring. My beautiful little boy. Out of nowhere, I start crying. My hormones are heightened due to being almost eight months pregnant and Liam's caring heart always makes me cry. He is the sweetest angel.

I just wanted to see his reaction about me eating all his candies honestly because one thing about Liam is that he doesn't get annoy or angry quickly. He seems to think and analyze a lot of things before he gives out a reaction. And despite loving candies, he is not mad because I ate it all. He is so generous for his age.

"Babe", Stefan strolls in and his face morphs into a worried one at the sight of me crying. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"Because of Liam", I sob.

"Sorry mommy", Liam apologizes innocently instantly in a sad and meek voice. "I made you cry."

His lower lip wobbles slightly and tears brim his baby blue eyes. He looks ready to cry as well and I start shaking my head. My poor baby. If only I could bend and pick him up in my arms!

"What did he do?", Stefan demands and looks at both of us in concern before reaching out to wipe my tears.

"Pick him up for me please", I tell him and he does it instantly.

"Liam don't cry baby", I choke out and caress his cheek affectionately.

"Mommy was just being silly. I am just crying because I love you very much and these are happy tears. You are the most beautiful and caring little boy and this is why mommy is feeling emotional."

"I love you too", Liam touches my cheek gently and tries to wipe me tears away.

"Daddy, mommy ate all the candies", he says to Stefan afterwards. "You need to buy more for her. She is hungry. The little baby too."

"Of course I will", he smiles at him. "And then we will have to take her to the dentist soon."

I smack his arm and sniff while he snickers.

"Do you want to watch a movie and then we can bake cookies later together?", he asks Liam.

"Yes", he answers excitedly. "I will bake cookies with you. It's so fun!"

"Don't cry mom", he adds for me. "We will bake cookies for you and then you can eat them. You can eat a lot. Daddy and I will make lots of them."

"I will", I sniff again and watch them leave the kitchen.

"Hey, are you okay?", Stefan asks a while later when he returns back.

"I am", I nod. "I was just pranking him that I ate all his candies. I saw a video on the internet where they pranked little kids that they ate all their candies to see their reaction. Liam's reaction was so cute and I ended up crying. He is such an angel."

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