Chapter 52

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"You bought this house for me?", I choke out when he hands me the keys in my hands.

"Yes", he smiles.

"Stefan......", I struggle with words. "But why? You already have a house....."

"Jess", he holds my hands. "I saw how you were struggling to adjust again in my house because of what happened to you there. You can't even use the bathroom without feeling paranoid. This new home will bring you relief. No one has been here and you don't have be afraid here. You can decide who can come here. I bought this for you. I just want you to live without any fear."

"Oh my God", I start crying and when I say crying, I mean those heavy, eye blurry teardrops. "Stefan you did all this for me. I have always wanted a home and......"

"Don't cry", he says gently and tries to wipe my tears away.

"I can't stop because I feel so loved", my voice cracks as I throw my arms around him.

First he took the bullet for me then he bought me a house just to ensure my comfort because I am still feeling paranoid at home. He is doing so much for me. Am I dreaming or something?

"Hush now baby", he cups my cheeks. "I don't want to see you cry anymore."

"Stefan", my voice cracks as I try to speak. "You went through Cara's bullshit on your own and you took the bullet for me and now this....Do you really love me this much?"

"I must be doing something wrong for you to ask me this question", he states with confliction with a disconsolate look. "And what type of a man would I be if I can't even save my woman? The one whom I love so much?"

"No", I shake my head. "You did nothing wrong. I just can't believe that I am getting the love that I have always dreamed about. I have always wanted an unconditional love and a home within a person and I found you. You feel like home to me Stefan, the one I would always craved for. This all feel like a dream to me."

"I love you", he presses a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too", I sniff and try to add a joke. "So does that mean I can remove you out from the house whenever you annoy me?"

"I hope you don't do that", he laughs, his eyes crinkling with joy.

"It's tempting though", I tease him.

"You can do anything you want my love", he pecks my cheek. "As long as you are happy, I don't mind anything."

"I'm so lucky to have you", I cup his cheeks in my hands and pull his face down for a kiss.

"I'm so happy that I found you back", he murmurs against my mouth.

"Will you dance with me?", I ask him. "I didn't buy any gift for you so the least I can offer you is a dance."

"I'll happily accept it", he takes my waiting hand in his and pulls me closer.

"Give me your phone", I tell him. "I'll put a cute song for us."

He hands me his phone and I put 'Until I Found you', by Stephen Sanchez. This is perfect for us.

"I love this song", I say as we start slow dancing to it.

"And I love you", he murmurs loud enough for me to hear it.

I place my head on his chest as we move together. The night, the lights, the sound of the waves, the music and Stefan being here with me make this moment so perfect. So magical. I am going to hold on to this memory forever in my heart.

I feel calm and centered in his arms. My mind is quiet for the first time ever. There's no doubt or overthinking going inside my brain for once. I feel a strong sense of comfort and security with him. I have always felt as if something was lacking in my life and in this moment, I feel whole. Stefan's love for me feels like a warm bed on a cold night just like right now, he is holding me close trying to keep me warm againt the cold breeze. For me, he is my sanctuary.

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