Birthday wishes

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"Good morning , sweetie. Happy birthday." Your  mom waited for you in the livingroom with a birthday cake. You rub your eyes ,still half asleep. The faint light from the candle is already to bright for you. "Mom..please..You know I don't like celebrating my birthdays." You look at her slightly annoyed as you sit down in front of the cake.  "Come on ,sweetie. It's your 21st birthday. You have to celebrate it." You roll your eyes as your mother sits down next to you. "Blow out the candles and don't forget to make a wish." You sigh and blow out the candle,wishing for a less boring life and one that was more exciting. A life that isn't just school,university,college and work for as long as you live.

"What did you wish for?" You look up from the small cake on the plate in front of you. "If I tell you,it won't come true." Your mom grins and cuts you a piece of cake. "After you ate ,get ready." You let out a sigh before taking a bite of the cake. "Do I have to go?" She shakes her head at you. "Yes,you do." You finish your piece of cake after a long sigh.

"Go get ready now." With another sigh you get up and get dressed. After you are done your mom drives you to class

-meanwhile in a different universe-

-??? POV-

"Are you sure she is the right one?"
"You should know better ,Strange."
"What if she doesn't want to help?" I look up at the ancient one who answers with a smile.
"I'm sure she won't have a problem with helping us. After all it is not just our universe at stake but also hers." Before I could ask anymore questions,she disappears again. "Alright....let's-

-Back in your universe-

You enter the building,having a weird feeling the second you do. You shake it off and walk into your class,just silently sitting down You thought it could be just a normal regular day and you could get away without anyone mentioning your birthday but your teacher had the great idea to tell the whole class that it is your birthday and make them sing happy birthday for you.

You are reliefed when the bell finally rings for the break and you can get out. You stand alone outside ,the cold wind blowing in your face. Your hand holding the phone is freezing so you switch your hand. Some of your friends walk over to you with a smile on their faces. You look at them as you slowly put your phone in your pocket. "What?...Why are you all smiling like that?"
"Because it's your 21st birthday,silly!" She wraps and arm around your shoulder. Another friend of yours grins at you. "Hope you are going to celebrate it."
"I hate celebrating my birthday and you two know that. Just because I'm 21 now doesn't mean anything. I get older each second we are talking so why would I be celebrating it on one day each year. For me..It's a day ike any other." Your friends just stare at you for a second before both cross their arms. "You are unbelievable. " You roll your eyes as one of them steps in front of you. "Do you know that there is a legend that says that every wish made on your birthday will come true?"
"Very funny Jen. If that is supposed to make me feel excited for my birthday, it's not working. Besides,the wishes I have wouldn't come true even if that 'legand' isn't just something made up."
"Aw,come on Y/n!! Why can't you just be excited and happy on your birthday like everyone else?"
You don't answer and just roll your eyes at them before going back to your class.

                                                     ------------------------after school-------------------------

You are glad that you can finally go home and just get this day over with but just as you leave the building you get this weird feeling again that you had in the morning. For just a second you think about what your friends had said to you but you shake it off immediately and just make your way to your bus stop.

At your stop you check the time just to see that you still have to wait 15 minutes for the next bus. You let out a heavy sigh and just stare over at the stores on the other side of the road. You see a man walk past you,dropping something. Wanting to be polite,you reach for it and stop him. "Ehm...excuse me dropped something."  The man turns around to face you. You freeze for a second when you see his face.

You clear your throat and hand the wallet he dropped ,back to him

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You clear your throat and hand the wallet he dropped ,back to him. He smiles and thanks you before turning back around and walking away. Your eyes follow him until he is out of sight. You turn back towards the stores on the other side. You think to yourself 'This is the weirdest day I ever had...'
Just then you realize that your bus just arrived. You quickly get on and make your way home.

The rest of the day you just sit in your room looking at tiktok until you are too tired to neither hold your phone nor keep your eyes open.

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