Trouble again

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'What is she doing here?Why is she so familiar?'

Y/n gets ripped out of her thoughts when the young woman in front of starts talking. "Did the cat take your tongue?" She looks at her,not knowing what to say. "Well..since you aren't talking...I guess I have to talk for both of us. I've been back in the city for a few days now and thought 'why not visit my childhood best friend?'. So here I am. Why don't we go for a walk and talk about old times and catch up on things?" Y/n still just looks at her friend,still not saying a word.

"I think what Y/n wants to say is,that this sounds like a great idea." Tony walks up to the both of them with a smile on his face. "But don't be home too late. She has something important to do tomorrow and needs enough sleep."
"No problem, Sir." The young woman smiles and leaves the compound ,Y/n following her silently while glaring at her dad who just responds with a wide grin.

The two friends walk towards the forest that surrounds the avengers compound. The young woman talked mostly while Y/n still stayed silent.

"What are you doing here?" Her friends is surprised to suddenly hear Y/n speak but smiles and turns to answer. "Business trip you could say. I'm only going to stay for one more week." Y/n nods slightly before asking another question. "What kind of business?" The young woman leans against one of the trees ,looking at her old friend. " I'm working for my uncle's company. He send me here to attend some meetings for him." Y/n slowly nods again and leans against a tree too.

After a few hours of chatting,it starts to get dark outside. "It's getting pretty late. I should get back to the compound."She nods and steps away from the tree. "Let me walk you back." Y/n nods in responds and turns around,starting to make her way back to the compound,her friend following her.

The two of them arrive back ,walking inside together. As the two say goodbye for eachother,Bucky walks downstairs.

-Bucky POV-

I wanted to stay in my room but sadly I got hungry and decided to grab some food. I leave my room and walk downstairs. Just as I do ,I see Y/n and a woman I never saw before walk inside.

The woman leaves and Y/n turns and immediately spots me.

"Bucky!" She calls out for me but all I do is turn around and walk back towards my room.

'Who needs food anyways?"

-No ones POV-

Y/n watches Bucky leave but before she can go after him,someone grabs her wrist. She turns around and looks right into Steves eyes. "I wanted to talk to you." He slowly let's go of Y/n's wrist as she looks at him slightly concerned. "Don't worry,it's nothing bad. It's just that I was supposed to go on a mission with Bucky tomorrow but something came up. Now you have to go on that mission with him."
"Yeah ,sure. No problem." Steve smiles at Y/n and nods slightly before turning on his heels and leaving her alone again.

The second he left,Y/n turns to the stairs and runs up to Bucky's room. She knocks a few times with no answer. She knocks again ,Bucky finally responds
"What?!" Y/n hesitates for a few seconds. "H-Hey Buck..." She can hear him take a deep breath before he speaks. "What,Y/n?"
"Can I come in?..." He sighs before his door swings open and their eyes meet. "I-I...." Y/n suddenly doens't know what to say so she just looks up at him. "Are you going to talk or not?" Bucky leans against the door frame, crossing his arms and raising a brow at Y/n. "Ehm...Y-Yeah..Eh...The mission...Steve can' go with you so...I will..." Barnes sighs and just responds with a slight nod. "Is that all?" Y/n stays silent and before she could even get a chance to say anything else,Bucky closes his door.Y/n sighs and walks to her room.

'This Universe is crazy....' 

-Next day-

It's early in the morning and Y/n is getting ready for her mission with Bucky. Just as she is done changing she hears a knock on her door. "Yes??" The door swings open and Bucky leans against the door frame ,looking at the young woman. "Are you ready?" She looks at him as she grabs the gun on her desk. "Yes. I am." Y/n walks past him out of the room. Bucky follows her and both of them walk outside to the jet and soon they set off to their mission.

-After mission-

The jet got destroyed without the two noticing while they were fighting. As they got back to were they left it they were met by scrabs and fire. "Great. Absolutely great." Barnes groans in frustration as Y/n looks around for another way back to the compound. She spots a car  on the other side of the field and grabs Bucky's arm to get his attention. "What?" He looks at her with an annoyed look on his face.
"There is a car." Y/n points over to it,Bucky's eyes following. "Good." Without another word, he walks over to it and Y/n follows him quickly.

The two take the car back to the compound. On the way there Y/n tries to talk to Bucky again.

"Soo..... How are you?...."
"What?..I'm just trying to do some small talk.."
Y/n stays silent and it stays quiet for some time. Just as Y/n wants to start talking again,something near the car explodes causing it to land on it's roof next to the road. Bucky and Y/n are both uncouncious.Y/n slowly wakes up,caughing. She looks around and soon realizes what happened. "Fuck..." She tries her best to get out and soon manages to do so. Y/n looks back at the car and sees Bucky still passed out. "God damn it,Buck..." She drags him out and away from the car just in time before it explodes. "Shit..that was close..."

A few men started to approach the two avengers. Y/n quickly gets up and grabs her gun. "Who are you?" One of them grins and takes a few steps towards Y/n. "You don't want to know ,kid." Y/n can't say anything else before he orders his men to get her. She fought all of them,making sure they don't get to Bucky. She gets shot in her stomach and drops to the floor,groaning loud in pain. "You should just give up. You are too weak to defeat me and my men." Y/n looks up at the man that seemed to be the boss as the other ones walked over to Barnes. "I am not too weak and I will not give up." Y/n slowly gets up and turns to the men near Bucky. She uses her powers to make them stop moving and with a snap her fingers, she makes them pass out. Y/n slowly turns towards the boss and is just about to attack him when Iron man lands in front of her. She doesn't see anything else as everything fades into black and she passes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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