Meeting an old friend

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It has been a few days since you are back at the compound. Right after you've arrived back you told everyone about Strange bringing you to their universe. Wanda has offered to helped you acces your memories to speed things up, though even now you don't know why Bucky doesn't like you.

Natasha decided to train you again even after you told her that you now rememeber everything and wouldn't need it.


"C'mon Nat..please. I don't need training." She smiles as she looks at you. "I just want to make sure that you remember everything I taught you." You sigh and look back at her. "But can't you check that when we are on a mission?" Nat shakes her head at you. "Very funny, Y/n." Before you are able to say anything else,she attacks you. You block her hits and kick her leg,making her fall to the floor. Nat immediately gets back up and attacks you again. While you two fight, Steve and Bucky enter the gym.

You accidantely hit Nat a little to hard,causing her nose to start bleeding. "Ok,Ok...Time..for a break..that hurted. Did you get stronger or something?" You look over at her. "Sorry about that..."
"Don't worry. Been through worst.But seriously..I don't remember you being this strong." You shrug and smile."Maybe you just got weaker?" She returns a smile before spotting Rogers and Barnes. "Had fun watching me getting beaten up by a kid?" You roll your eyes at her. "I'm not a kid." She grins at you before walking over to the two men.  Nat pats Buckys shoulder. "You should try fighting her."

You and Bucky look at eachother as you start smirking. "C'mon Nat. Grandpa here wouldn't have a chance anyway." Bucky glares at you as he walks over to where you are standing. "You should be careful with what you're saying,Stark." You still smirk at him. "Or what?"
"Or you are going to regret it."
"Hmm I don't think I will."  Bucky loses his patience and tries to hit you but you dodge it. "You are so slow old man." He tries again ,you dodging it again but this time hitting his stomach. He groans and looks at you,furious. "Aww look who's all grumpy?Maybe you take a nap and we come back to this later?"  Bucky has enough and attacks you. You two keep fighting without any of you winning.

"Give up ,Stark!" He dodges one of your attacks but gets hit by the next on. "I really think you are the one that should give up,Barnes!" He tries grabbing you to stop this fight but you dodge it. "Come on ,Stark!" You shake your head as you kick his leg,forcing him to the ground. You then kick his back and hold him down. "Give up." He groans before responding. "Never." He struggels to get free,all he manages to do is to turn around on his back. You look at eachother as you step on his chest,holding him down again. You raise a brow at him,waiting for him to surrender. He lets out a sigh before finally giving up.

You smirk and take a step away from him before offering a hand to him to help him up. He looks at your hand,caught slightly off guard. He sighs and grabs your hand. He nods at you as you let go of eachother. Barnes turns around and sees that now all of the Avengers are standing in the gym watching them. "Did you all watch us?" Stark grins and looks at the two of you. "Yes and it was quite amusing. Who would have thought that a 106 year old man would ever lose a fight against a 21 year old." You can't help but laugh a little. "C'mon dad. Don't rub it in." Bucky gets annoyed with everyone (mostly you) and leaves the gym. While everyone already stopped paying attention, you watch him leave.

You run after him and find him in the hallway. "Bucky!" You hear an annoyed groan coming from him as he tries to ignore you and walks towards his room. Before he walks in,you grab his wrist. "Buck,wait." He takes a deep breath before turning around to you. "What."
"I'm sorry about the things I said..I didn't mean it.." He can't help but chuckle lightly,leaving you confused. "You really think I believe that you didn't mean any of that? C'mon Stark." You shake your head. "I know that we didn't get along before but I want that to change...I was thinking that we could be friends at least.." He pulls his arms out of your grib as he stares at you. "Friends? I can't be friends with you." You stay silent for a second. "But...Why?"

"Why? Because it doesn't matter if you are from a different universe or not or that you suddenly have 'a change of mind'. You are still Y/n Stark." Without another word he turns around and walks into his room. You stand there frozen for a few moments before you hesitantly knock on Buckys door.

-Bucky POV-

I sit down on my bed with a sigh as I hear a knock on my door. I hope it's not Y/n. "What." Immidiately after I hear her voice I let out a annoyed sigh. "Bucky..I.." She pauses as I sit up and look to the closed door. I sigh again when she doesn't continue. "Listen if you want to keep bothering then at least talk."

There is silence on the other side until she finally starts talking again. "I'm sorry....for..everything.." She does another pause. "Before I woke up here...I didn't think you would hate me...Listen...I know I-" Before she can continue I hear Tony interrupting her.

-Y/n POV-

I am just trying to appolagize to Bucky when my dad interrupts me. I sigh and turn around to him.
"Bad timing dad." All he does is roll his eyes at me. "You have a visitor."
"Who?" I look at him with a raised brow. "A old friend of you."
"Old friend?" He just nods and leaves me. I sigh and look at Buckys door before turning around and going downstairs to the entrance.

When I get there I see a young woman that is maybe a few years older than me,standing next to the door,leading outside. I stop and look over at her as she turns around to face me

 I stop and look over at her as she turns around to face me

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She smiles as she approaches me. "Y/n. It's really nice to see you again. How long has it been?"
"Four years..." I mumble as I just stare at her. Her smile gets wider. "I know I'm good looking but you don't have to stare at me like that." I say nothing as I slowly look to the floor.

'Why is she here...'

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