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It has been a week after Steve brought you to Peter. You both went to school (Which you didn't really understand because who goes to highschool with 21?) and everything was being normal. least for you. Peter saved people all week but today...should be different..

                                -----------------------------------------Parkers Home----------------------------------------

You and Peter are playing video games in the living room when you hear a loud explosion outside. You two look at eachother instantly and both run to the window,to see what was going on. You see a few guys flying on something through the streets. You and Pete look at eachother once more. "You stay here." Peters turns around ready to get his suit. "No. I want to help. I just watched the past week." Peter shakes his head and grabs your arms gently. "You said yourself that you can't remember anything so you don't remember how to fight..besides your dad is going to kill me if something happens to you." You sigh and nod as he turns around and runs off. You look at all the mess going on in the city. Just a few moments later ,you see Peter swing by and start fighting.

You watch Spiderman fight off the people attacking the city until one of them suddenly attacks him from behind while he is busy with fighting two others. Peter gets knocked out and falls off of one of the tall building he was just fighting on. "No..." You run outside and towards him,calling out to him in hope of waking him up. He gets closer and closer to the ground.

"No!" You lift up your hand and he stops falling,staying in mid air. You slowly let him down to the ground and run over to him. "Hey. Hey,wake up." He slowly turns his head towards you. "Y/n?..." He quickly sits up and looks around. "Where are they I have to-" You interrupt him. "You just got knocked out by them...let's just call the Avengers and let them handle this.."
"No need for that." You turn around and meet Steves eyes. "You two get out of here." You nod and help Peter up and walk back inside.

        ----------------------------------------after the Avengers defeated the attackers------------------------------------------

"What was that!" Tony storms inside and looks at Peter. "S-Sir ..I-I.." You get up and stand in front of Tony. "It's no his fault so stop being angry with him. He tried his best" Stark turns to you.
"You could have get hurt or worst."
"But I didn't."
"He could have died."
"But he didn't. I saved him so now there is no reason for you to be mad about anything."
He stays silent,looking at you. Peter slowly stands up from the couch and walks up to you. "How..did me?" You look at Parker and sigh. "I don't know..I just lifted up my hand and stopped you from falling.." He and Tony just look at you. "W-Why..are you looking at that.." Stark shakes his head and places his hand on your shoulder. "You are coming back with me." You stare at him for a second in disbelieve. "What? Why?"
"Because it's too dangerous and now you have powers that you don't know how to use or controll so you are coming back to the compound with me." You stay silent and look over at Peter. "All though respect Sir...I-" He gets interrupted immediately. "No. I won't change my mind. Now get your stuff. Barnes is going to pick you up in an hour." With that Stark turns around and leaves.

You slowly drop down onto the couch and look down. "I-I'm so sorry,Y/n.." You shake your head and look up at Peter. "You don't have to be sorry Pete. It's not your fault." He nods hesitantly as he sits down next to you. You both stay silent until Peter decides to break that silence. " go back..Do you maybe want me to tell you a little about mean..since you still don't remember.." You smile at him. "Sure. Go on Pete." You lean back.

"Well...We are best friends." You chuckle lightly. "I already know that part." He chuckles too as he also leans back. "Tony Stark is yor dad but I'm sure you already figured that out..You and Ms. Romanoff are really good friends..she trained you and Mr.Banner is like a second dad to you." You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. "What about Bucky and Steve?.." He looks at you before answering. " and Mr. Rogers are pretty close..but Mr. Barnes...he kinda hates you.." You look up at Peter. "What? Why?" He shrugs and looks back at you. "Why don't you ask him?"
"Maybe because he doesn't want to talk to me?"
He shrugs again.
" least I know now why he was so rude to me after I woke up here." You then remember what your dad said before he left. "Shit. Talking about Barnes." You jump up on your feet and go to pack your stuff. Peter follows you silently. "Right..he is going to pick you up." You nod and continue packing. He helps you and as soon as you finish you hear a knock on the front door.

You and Peter walk over and open the door,seeing a annoyed Bucky standing there. "H-Hey, Mr. Barnes,sir.." Bucky rolls his eyes at Peter. "Save it kid." He turns to you as he crosses his arms. "Are you ready ,Stark?" You hold up your bag. "Yep.." He nods and turns around,walking towards the exit. You turn towards Peter and say goodbye with a smile before following Barnes.

"Did my dad force you to pick me up?" Bucky sighs and looks at you,annoyed. "Yes. He did. Now stop talking,will you?" He gets in the car without saying anything else. You sigh and put your bag in the trunk of the car before getting in the seat next to him. Barnes looks at you with a raised brow,annoyed with you sitting so close to him, before shaking his head at you and starting to drive.

"So.." He rolls his eyes as he hears you start talking. "What did I say?"
He nods and focuses on driving.
"Bucky,I-" He interrupts you immediately.
"What don't you understand when I say 'no talking'?"
"You know what. Don't answer that."
You stay silent for a moment before talking again.
"I don't know why you hate me...but if it's because I did something-"
"You don't know why I hate you?"
He can't help but laugh slightly,thinking you are just trying to anoy him or make him mad."Very Funny."
"I'm serious,Bucky. I don't remember anything..."
"Ok. Sure. Enough of that bullshit,Stark."
"Listen..I know you don't want to listen to anything I say or even want to hear me talk in the first place but please..Just this once."
Bucky sighs as he glances over at you. "You are right with all of that but But I won't promise that I will believe you." You nod slightly as you look at him.

"I'm not from this universe." You don't need to say more for Bucky to get annoyed again already.
"Doctor Strange brought me here because he needs my help. He gave me a life here..I should have memories too but I don't..Which is why I don't know why you hate me..." He sighs and glances at you again. "And I am supposed to believe that?" You slowly nod at him. "I-I mean ..if you don't then-" He interrupts you. "I believe you." You look at him surprised. "You do?.."
"Yes. I do."

You arrived back at the compound,Barnes leaving the car immediately. You look after him before getting out as well and grabbing your bag. You run after him and the two of you walk inside.

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