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This is gonna be a little different than my other books. It's lighter, more surface level with a lot of smut, there aren't really any dark topic's discussed so no need for trigger warnings. This book is a quick, light, dirty read. I fell so hard for my mc's that this book was written in 4 days. That's how obsessed I became with them. I couldn't stop thinking about them to the point where I even had to write while my kids were awake (which I try not to do).



Do you believe in love at first sight?

I do.

Well maybe not love but definitely a connection or an over powering attraction that could lead to love. I've experienced it once in my life, it hit me so hard it forced every bit of air from my lungs. Okay, maybe that was the fact that I had just slipped in a puddle and fallen flat on my back, but I blame Jax Nam's presence for making it harder to catch my breath afterward.

I was a freshman in college and had only been on campus for a week. Normally I'm a decently coordinated person, you have to be when you're a cheerleader or you become a hazard to the rest of the team. It had stormed all week, not the best way to start out your college experience but I didn't mind the rain, and the staff at my residence hall had been good with keeping the floors dry until that day.

I was reading a text from my brother Jude, not paying attention like I should have been as I entered the doors to my residence hall. It was only a meme, I don't know why I had to look at it right then but I did so I didn't see the puddle waiting just a few feet inside the doors. One second I was standing on two feet looking at a Harry Potter meme, the next I was staring up at the ceiling with the air knocked from my lungs, my phone clutched tightly in my hand and the back of my head throbbing. I groaned, pinching my eyes closed tightly and just laid there for a second to mentally gather myself. If Jude were here he would be laughing his ass off right now, I thought with a huff.

"You okay?" A masculine voice asked from above me.

My eyes popped open and I met a pair of deep set light brown eyes peering down at me, dark strands of hair hanging just above his eyebrows. My heart stuttered as his lips slipped into a smile and all I could think is, wow, he's—

"So beautiful." I whispered.

His brow furrowed. "What?"

Oh shit I said that out loud!

"I think she rattled something loose when she smacked her head." Another male voice said and a second face appeared on my left.

His hooded eyes were an icy dark gray shade I hadn't seen before. His hair was so long it almost brushed his eyelashes, the strands were bleached a white blonde but his roots were jet black. He reached down and smacked my cheek, not super hard but harder than I expected.

"Hey!" I shouted as I raised up from the floor abruptly, head butting both of them.

I fell back down clutching my forehead and they both groaned in unison. The guy with the all black hair offered me his hand and a friendly smile. I took it and let him help me to my feet, unable to stop staring at him.

His hand was warm and soft in mine, it made me feel lightheaded and I honestly didn't want to let him go. I stumbled to the side as the room started to spin and he grabbed me by the shoulders to steady me.

"I think maybe you should go to the student health center and get checked." He suggested, his eyebrows dipped in concern. "Xan can take you, I have a class to get to or I would."

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